Chapter 10 - You Saved Me

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A few more days later Fenrir is playing out in the backyard with the neighbor boy, Peter, and Hogun. They are running and kicking a ball back in forth, laughter fills the air. Hogun chases them with happy barks, the boys screaming in delight.

Fenrir is chasing after the ball when he suddenly hears a tap tap tap on the glass door leading out into the backyard. Loki. It has been three weeks since he has last seen her, and he stops dead in his tracks.

"Fenrir? What's wrong?" asks Peter, who is scratching Hogun on the tummy.

Fenrir abandons his friend and runs to her. Loki throws the door open calling out his name. They crash together in a hug. Loki whispers sweet words into his ears. Apologizing to him repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Fenrir."

"That's okay. Don't do it again."

"I promise, Fen."

"Are you better now?"

"Starting to be," She strokes his now short hair, her hand carding through every black lock. Then she pushes back her hair to reveal the braid. "See? This is your hair and mine braided together, that way I'll always keep this with me. It will never ever come out of my hair. It reminded me of Bad Tooth, and I knew I could get better. To be just as strong as you are. You saved me, my love. Again."

They sit quietly and placidly a moment. Fenrir reaches for her shirt. "Can I...?"

"I'm sorry. There's none left."

Fenrir contemplates this, but then nods, accepting the new situation He holds her braid again, following it up to where it reaches her scalp. "Okay."

"I'm not a good enough Ma for you, Fenrir."

"But you're my Ma."

"I am," she wraps and arm around him, kissing his head. "I love you Fenrir."

Fenrir pulls away from her and points to the door. "I'm going to play with Peter now. He's my friend. We are playing ball."

Loki nods and hugs him hard before he leaves.

"Fenrir? Do you want to go on a trip with me?"

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

It has been about a month since Loki had returned home and she believed that she was on the road to a better life. Fenrir was doing nothing but thriving in this new environment and Loki couldn't be prouder.

The two of them raced to Loki's "new" car, a slightly better than beat up car more like it. She quickly buckled him in and slid into the driver's seat. The drive ahead of them was long, so Loki made sure to time their stops so they could both get out and stretch their legs. Loki herself still had a bit of problems being in enclosed spaces for a long time.

Finally, Loki pulled into a spot. Fenrir was passed out in the backseat.

"Baby, come on, wake up. We are here," Loki smiled and shook his arm, slowly but surely the boy roused.


"It's the ocean. I told you I would take you to see it. Come on, you want to touch the water?"

Fenrir nods his head and takes the Loki's hand, together they walk out onto the beach. Fenrir hates the sand at first, but after some coaxing, he finally walks out of it. The beach itself is empty except for a couple farther down the beach.

"It's big."

"I know, it's actually so big that it hasn't been completely explored. Do you want to stick your feet in it? The water feels really good, it might be a bit cold."

Room AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora