Chapter 6 Kiss

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The next day I woke up with red and puffy eyes. Shane jr.,was waiting desperately at the door.

"Oh, sorry boy," I said as I opened the door.

I took a shower and put on a long-sleeve shirt  that is neon pink with neon yellow lines, jeans, my sneakers, and a simple necklace.I walked down the stairs grabbed my backpack, and ran out the door.As I ran to the park I noticed Shane jr., following me.

"Shane"I said complaining. "What am I going to do now"

Shane jr., just stayed there wagging his tail like a normal and playful puppy he was. I saw Harper coming towards me so I grabbed Shane jr.

"Hey Alex," said Harper."Wow, what happened puffy eyes."

I giggled a little at the nickname she just made up.

"What is Shane jr., doing here?"

"He followed me here."

"Oh, ok.How does it feel like"

"What do you mean"


"Oh, I dunno I don't want to move or live with him for two years!"

"Hey, don't worry."

"Anyways where are the others?" I asked.

"They're probably at school.Today is library day remember."


"You didn't know did you," Harper said while we walked to school.

I looked at her and placed Shane jr., in her face and he started licking her making her giggle.When we got to the classroom Shane looked at me and smiled.

"What" I said.

He looked at Shane jr.

"You brought him?"

"I didn't bring him; he followed me just like you."

He raised a brow and laughed.

"I don't follow you, I look at you and give you things."

"Isn't it the same."

"No," he said smirking at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that"

"Nothing," he said.


"Am not"

"Yes, you are"

At that instant I realize we are inches apart.

"I love you," said Shane.


I was shocked but I didn't move, and that's when it happened he kissed me. I didn't know what to do it was all too fast. I heard two familiar voices, oh no they're watching this.

"Oooooooh," Rachel and Alice said.

I broke the kiss and he blushed. Clearly he knew that I was shocked. As I walked to my next class I felt tears sliding down my cheeks; Shane noticed them and grabbed my hand.

"Hey, sorry if I embarrassed you," he said.

"No it's not that"

"Then why the tears"

"Why did you kiss me? Did you pity me because I was moving? Why now? Why today?"

He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I didn't pity you," he said.

"Then what was it"

"I love you"

"I know you don't"

"I do"

"You're a popular guy. Girls fall at your feet begging you to date them. Why me?"

"You're different"

"Fine, you know what, I'm moving and I might not see you again, but why did you kiss me!!"

"I have always liked you, but not love you, at that moment I realized I loved you and that I didn't want to lose you. So, I kissed you."

I stayed shocked.

"I believe you"


"You said it like it was something serious so I believe you," I said.

Shane POV

Alex just said she believed me; I was shocked inside but I just smiled wanting to hug her. The kiss moment was special I knew she was shocked but she relaxed a few seconds later. We got interrupted by her friends.

My big brother: Austin mahoneWhere stories live. Discover now