Chapter 9 My big brother

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I was still waiting for him.

"Wow, great first impression," I thought out loud.

My phone rang; it was a text from an unknown number.

It said,"Hey I'm gonna be late; my fans are everywhere and there's traffic."

I was confused, it was Austin but how in the world did he get my phone number?

I answered," How in the world did you get my phone number?"

"Our parents"

"Right, how late are you gonna be?"

"Eh, I don't know. I'm entering the airport now."

And that's when I heard all the screaming, all the neon posters,and people asking,"Will you marry me?" I mean who does that!?!?!

"Okay I see people running towards me like an elephant herd so where are you!!!!!!"

"I'm behind you and I suggest you to run to my car quickly."

I looked behind me and I saw a gray corvette. I started running towards it,and since I'm an athlete I got there fast. I opened and closed the door as quickly as possible.

"How did you know where to find me?" I asked.

"Duh your my sister I think I know everything about you, and you are using the same suitcase you used when you were little."

He started driving, but we were surrounded by paparazzis and fans. He pushed the gas and went to where the planes were.

"Are you crazy!!!!" I screamed.

"Relax, I have a private jet," he said.

He was different than other superstars. He didn't like being chased by fans everywhere; he just wanted people to treat him equally.We reached the private jet and the paparazzi looked strangely at me.

"What!!!!" I screamed. "You have never seen Austin mahone's sister!!! Back off people!!!!"

Austin looked at me satisfied when I said that.We went inside the jet and he started playing with his play station. Yeah, that's right, he had a play station in the jet.

"Austin," I said.

"Yeah,"he said pressing pause and turning towards me.

"Why did you leave?"

"Well, I was really good at music and I left when I was five to an advanced music school."

"Oh," I said.

"Hey are you hungry?" he asked.

"No, but thanks"

He ordered nachos with cheese. I looked at him and smirked.

"Oh no, I don't like that look."

"What?" I said.

A person brought his nachos and I walked over to him, and I grabbed his plate.

"Hey!!!!!" he screamed."I want to eat."

"We are going to play a game."

"Noooo," he groaned.

"Mom and Dad want us to meet each other better," I said.

"And you are doing that by taking my food away?!?!?!"

"It's a game,"I said. "Okay, I'm gonna ask you a question of me. If you have it right you get one nacho if not you'll get none."

"That is so not fair," he said.

"Actually it is because it's the same the same rule for me."

"Ok," he said.

We asked questions and I got half right and he got them all right. I think he knows me more than I know myself.

"How did you..." he cut me off.

"I don't know instincts."he said.

We got to his house and found Mom and Dad at the kitchen.

"Mom,Dad I've missed you," he greeted.

"Aaaaaw how is my widdle baby," mom said.

He chuckled and said," I love you too,mom."

My big brother: Austin mahoneWhere stories live. Discover now