Chapter 15 Atlanta

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That night I couldn't sleep I had my eyes closed but I had nightmares, terrible ones. Austin was being tortured by one of his friends, my parents abandoned me, I was killed,and my parents got murdered. I was sleeping and that's when I screamed. My room is next to Austin so he got here fast.

"Hey, hey it's ok it's ok. I'm here," he said trying to calm me down.

The vamps and Shawn came and Austin said it was alright and they left.

"I...I had nightmares," I said while crying.

He hugged me and said," Do you wanna talk about it."

"No, I'm fine I just got surprised."

"Ok, try to go back to sleep I'll stay here if you want."

"No, tomorrow is your concert and you'll be tired," I said yawning.



I fell asleep but not for long. I opened my eyes every time I dreamt something bad. The next day I was so tired I felt asleep brushing my teeth. If it wasn't for the bus honk I would probably still be there.

"Good morning," I said trying to hide my tiredness.

"Morning," they all said.

"We are in Atlanta,right?" I asked.

"Yes and you didn't sleep all night did you," Austin said.

"Nope, I couldn't ," I said frowning.

I ate my breakfast and went to class.I finished faster than I thought. Shane jr., was always beside me and following me around. I practiced guitar sang a little and went to see what Austin was doing.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said while pacing around the room.


"Yes, I am, it is my first tour concert."

"Hey, don't worry," I said. "White clouds in, black clouds out."

He chuckled a little.

"This is what's fun about having a little sister," he said.


"They are always there for you no matter what."

We kept talking and the guys joined us. We laughed, played, and sang. That's when the manager came.

"Ok, come on,Come on," he screamed.

We all went behind him to our dressing rooms. I had to go with Austin since I didn't have a dressing room.

"Wow this is so cool," I said.

"Yeah, to bad is only for one day," he said.

"Yeah but you get to visit almost the whole world," I said.

"Yeah that's the advantage."

"Hey, forget about that. I have to go have fun and be yourself you are fun just the way you are," I said.

"Thanks sis."

"Five minutes!!!!!" the manager screamed.

I went to my backstage seat and waited for my big brother. Shawn opened up with "Life of the party" and the vamps sang "Somebody to you" and "Wild heart." Shawn came up again and sang "Skyscraper." At last Austin went to the stage. He opened with "Mm.Mm. Yeah." He finished the song and started talking to the crowd.

"So, how are you,Atlanta?"

They crowd screamed very loud.

"I can't hear you."

They screamed louder.

"Ok ok, before we go on with tonight's concert I wanna introduce to my friends and a mysterious person," he said. "First stop is Shawn Mendez."

"It's Mendes," he whispered in my ear chuckling lightly.

"Well it's Mendez to me, but eh...Mendes works too," I answered smiling.

He went and people started screaming like crazy.

"The vamps," Austin screamed.

The vamps came and the crowd screamed louder.

"And for the mysterious person: my sister!!!!"

Everyone screamed thinking what he was talking about but when I came out with an embarrassed look everyone stayed silent.He gave me a microphone and Shawn came beside me.Uh oh.


"Do it please."

"Fine.Hello everybody my name is Alex Johnson and I'm Austin's sister. You may be wondering why I have not been mention in any magazine or anything, but it was because Austin left when I was three years old to an advanced music school," I said."Goodnight everybody."

Everyone was quiet at first but then they started screaming and roaring like crazy people.I left the stage and Shawn came.

"Great save," he said.

"Lets get this straight. I sing because I like it and I don't want people to find out, and I am a little shy for this kinds of things, talking no but singing yes," I said.

"Hey, it's okay," he said.

We watched the whole concert and it finished at midnight. This was the best day ever and I can't wait to tell my friends that I will be coming to visit.

My big brother: Austin mahoneWhere stories live. Discover now