Chapter 13 On tour

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The next day (I still couldn't sleep)Austin and I were looking to which places they should go.

"How about Atlanta," he says.

"Got it," I said while writing it down on my notebook.

"Toronto?" I asked.

"Oh that would be so cool yeah," he said.

"Miami," I suggested.

"Of course.What about London?" he said.


"Ummmm... New York?" I asked.


"We only have five places to go Austin and they are supposed to be twenty five I think," I said.

"Probably my manager will suggest other places we should go," he said.

"Ok then," I said.

"Oh hey that reminds me, you don't wanna be late for school," he said smiling.

"What!!!" I screamed.

"Just kidding," he said.

I felt relieved.

"You are gonna be homeschooled by the same teacher that I took," he said.

"You were homeschooled?" I asked.

"No, she was my teacher at my school," he said.

The doorbell rang and I went off to open the door. As I opened the door the teacher was smiling.

"Why, good morning young lady," she said.

"Hi, ummm nice to meet you," I said while motioning her to come in.

"So lets start with science," she said.

"Sure mrs.," I said trying to guess the name.

"Nicole. Karina Nicole," she said smiling.

"Ok," I said.

We started with science,French, history,Geometry, and sports. She gave me a schedule and left.

"You gotta be kidding me. I already have homework!!!!" I complained.

"Aaaaaw poor little thing," he teased.

"Hey!!! don't you start," I said.

He explained how I was going to take classes with Karina while they were on tour. He said that since he had a plasma tv on tour bus I could use it to
connect her with me.

"Ok, ok I got it," I said.

"Fine. Oh and start packing I think we are leaving in two days," he said.

"Oh, hey what do I do about Shane jr.?" I asked.

"Take him with you," he said.


Two days passed and I still couldn't sleep I have been like five days without sleep. I hope it doesn't affect me. Anyways it was time to go on tour with my brother and his friends I wonder what adventure will I have other than being homeschooled.

My big brother: Austin mahoneWhere stories live. Discover now