sohinki x reader (fluff)

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//before reading, note that this is from a girls perspective. i normally try to write where it can be either gender, but this story has events catered to the female anatomy (fancy words ik) so just remember that as you read on

y/n pov

"it's beach day!" i exclaimed as i packed my things into the trunk of the car.

"beach day indeed" sohinki laughed as he helped the rest of the smosh crew load the car up.

"remember, no making out" matt ryan jokes as he hopped in the drivers seat. it's not like any of us would kiss, like, ever. i don't want to kiss anybody in smosh. that's crazy talk, pfft.

"dang, ruins my whole plan!" sohinki joked as he got in. i looked down at my feet as i walked with him. was he really joking, or did he mean it? was kissing me his plan? this is crazy y/n, you don't like him, you don't like ANY of your coworkers. they're your coworkers, not your dating pool. you don't like any of them.


we arrived at the beach and me, courtney, and olivia laid out our beach towels and laid on them, ready to work on our tans.

"tanning, really? it's beach day!" shayne exclaimed as he grabbed courtney's hand.

"okay and?" olivia sassed back as she layered up on sunscreen. "tannings fun!" we watched as shayne and courtney wrestled in the water now.

sohinki huffed loudly. "come on y/n lets swim!!" he took my hand and i couldn't resist. off to the water we went, splashing around. we wrestled a bit, him picking me up and throwing me in while i kicked and screamed like a toddler being forced to go to bed.

one throw into the water in particular though left me topless. yep, you heard that right: topless. my bikini top decided that right there in front of everyone it was a good time to fly right off my body and into the ocean. it slowly started to float away as i covered my chest with my hand.

"damn y/n, we didn't know you were that girl" ian snickered as they all laughed. yes, i was mortified, but i knew they were laughing because it was funny and not because i had made a complete fool of myself.

"can someone just give me my top please?!" i basically screamed as it was handed to me by, you guessed it, sohinki. "thanks"

"no problemo" he chuckled softly as i called mari over to help me re-tie it. she swam over and tied the back as the group continued to make jokes about me. i felt mortified and my instincts kicked in, causing me to go into a full sprint out of the water and into the restroom after mari finished. it felt like the world was pressing in on me and that i was being suffocated, so i sat down on the disgusting toilet and took a minute to collect my breath.

i heard the door swing open and shut behind a person who entered. "are you okay" he asked. i wiped away the few years that hit my cheeks as i looked up at him. "yes and no, i'm mortified of what just happened."

"at least you have nice breasts, things could've been a lot worse" i laughed at his joke. "but really, it's not a big deal. nobody really cares, we're just teasing."

"i care though!" i cut him off.

"look, it's all going to be okay" he wiped away another one of my tears as i smiled at him.

"thank you"

"no problemo" he said once again and i laughed. i went in for a comforting hug when he stopped me, looking into my eyes. i felt i could get lost in his pooling eyes all day they were so beautiful. i saw him close them and i followed, feeing him lean in. i leaned in as well, and fireworks boomed once our lips met. no,
it wasn't crazy romantic. we were in a public bathroom at a beach with our coworkers, but the fact that it was him made it the most amazing kiss in the entire universe. we pulled away and i smiled, him as well.

"so, ready to head back out topless mcgee?"

"oh shut it, you wish you would've seen more of me without a top on"

"i mean, you aren't wrong"


//i'm sorry this is so short and bad lmao,
i'm really rushed rn. i hope this is good enough though! also happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈

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