Chapter 3

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         Stepping forward, Asriel's mind raced with clashing thoughts. On one hand, she was curious about what could be going on, but on the other, she was terrified knowing that the intruder could be dangerous. Her breath caught in her throat as she gently pushed her bedroom door open. Looking around, she didn't see anything out of place. Even still, she couldn't let herself relax. She felt eyes digging into her from every angle, but no one was there.

        Muttering to herself, she gently shut the door. "It's just an old house, Az, calm down. It must've been the house settling..." She walked over to her bed, her hands covering up her nervous expression. "Ugh, why'd it have to be this house? If only I did more to help, then we could-"

         A dull thud rang through the house from downstairs, cutting her off. She froze instantly, staring at her bedroom door. The thud came again, quicker this time.

         "Azzy, honey, can you please open the door? I'm sorry, but my hands are full."

          Relaxing, she composed herself and shouted back down to her mom, "I'll be there in a sec!"

          Walking down the hall warily, she glanced at the dusty patches. The footprints were completely gone, as if they were never there at all. Shaking her head violently, she ran down the stairs and to the front door.

         "Thank you, Asriel. Here, could you take these to the table for me?" She requested, shifting through the door carefully.

         "Sure, no problem," she answered, clearly still on edge. Reaching for the boxes, she refused to look her mom in the eyes. She knew she would worry, and right now, she didn't even know what to believe.

         "Azzy, is something wrong?" she stopped her, putting her hand gently on her shoulder. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

         Chuckling, Asriel set the pizza in the center of the table. "You have no idea."

         "Oh Asriel, it's alright. I know this old house will take some getting used to, but we'll get through this. Jasmine told me that the house does settle, but she never mentioned ghosts," she recalled. "No need to worry. It'll all be fine."

         "I sure hope so..."

         "Hey, have they ever steered us wrong before?"

          Smiling, Asriel shook her head "no". She knew that they were safe, that her friend wouldn't keep something so important from them. They never have before. But a small part of her prayed that this wouldn't be a first.

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