Journal Entry #6

13 2 0

      August 6, 2019

         Amber's hiding something. I don't know what yet, but I need to find out. Maybe then this'll all make sense. But then again... what if this makes things worse? She already seemed mad when I found that note... it's probably important. Maybe that note has something about her life that she doesn't want us to know yet? I'll have to find it again. I'm sure she wouldn't put it in the same place. She can't just hold onto it, can she? I mean, she's a ghost. It's not like she has pockets.

          Even still, how would I get it without her knowing? I don't know. Maybe I should just wait until she's ready to talk about whatever-it-is. I'll text Iris at some point, see what she thinks about it. Though, that might not be a good idea either. I've already dragged her far enough into my mess. So... what do I do? I guess I'll have to do more research. Like, exorcisms and stuff probably. Because I have a feeling that if she stays, Amber's going to really mess us up. But... I'm probably just paranoid. She did apologize for hurting me last time, so maybe she won't do anything? I don't know. I just... she's already been through so much. I mean, she's DEAD for goodness sake. I don't want her to suffer anymore. But what can I do?

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