Little spoon

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"That meal was amazing, Lisa." I said, putting my knife and fork together. It really was amazing, Lisa was such a good cook.

Lisa smiled, "Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad you liked it."

"It was really good, mom." Scott smiled.

Chris scoffed, "Because you like anything with a sausage."

"Chris." Lisa said, shock flooding her face. Was Scott gay? I guess he did act like it, but Chris didn't need to say that.

Scott shook his head, smiling, "It's okay, mom... I'm sure Chris is just acting like this because his girlfriend is here." My heart beat faster, did they not want me here? Scott looked up at me, "Not that it's a problem, I'm glad you're here. It's just the asshole of a boyfriend you have chosen." I smiled, okay this was better, yet awkward.

"Sure, Scott, I'm the asshole. Although, you know your way around an asshole more than most people, where to stick stuff, where not to - you're great at that, bro." Chris spat.

Lisa put her glass down, "That's enough." She sighed, "Carly, can you help me with the dishes?" Scott and Chris exchanged dirty glances.

"I'll help." I said, standing up.

Lisa looked at me, "Thank you."

After we had cleaned up, it was 11 o'clock and we were all going to bed. I looked in our bags and pulled out an old t-shirt and sweatpants of mine to sleep in, I was freezing cold. Chris looked up and walked swiftly over to me, only in his boxers, damn.

"What are you doing?" He asked, pointing to my clothes.

I frowned, "I'm getting changed."

"Not into those." Chris said. Ouch. "I want you to wear my shirt." He handed me his shirt that he'd been wearing, it still smelled like him.

I looked down at my clothes and threw them back into the bag, "Okay, I'll wear your shirt. I'll be cold though." I whined, poking his abs.

"I'll keep you warm." He said, leaning forward and kissing me, hugging me close. Once I broke free, he say on the end of the bed and watched me get undressed. I took off my jeans and my sweater and was just about to put his shirt on when he swore violently. "Fuck."

"Hm?" I asked.

Chris blinked, his eyed widening, "Why are you wearing the... that underwear."

"They're comfy." I shrugged.

Chris stood up and unhooked my bra, "You look amazing." He threw the bra on the bed. He moved behind me and kissed my neck, using his tongue too. Shit.

"Stop, Chris. C'mon, I need to get into bed I'm tired." I said, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't. His family were across the hall.

He stopped kissing my neck, "Okay, but you can't make me wait much longer." He turned me around, "Let me just..." He squeezed my ass, pulling me close to him, he kissed my chest and twiddled my hair. I breathed out, holy shit.

"As much as I want to... we... we need to sleep, okay?" I said, my voice shaking from his touch, I needed him so much.

Chris nodded and got into bed, I slipped on his shirt and became little spoon in a matter of seconds, his lips were now on the back of my neck, and was making my stomach do backflips.

[Authors note: Sorry it's so short! Thank you all so much for reading I love you all so much xxxx]

University Bound (A Chris Evans love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя