Chapter 6

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A/N: This chapter contains mature content. I will indicate where it starts with ------------------------ and indicate where it ends with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so if you want to skip this section you can.

Trevon Carter

I watched Arthur as he did pull ups. I was on the row machine and I really was trying to pay attention to what I was doing, but Arthur's gray, wet with sweat shirt clung to his back and contoured his lean sinewy muscles. His arm muscles moved underneath his beautiful skin as he pulled up on the bar and then slowly came back down. Little beads of sweat glistened on his skin and all I wanted to do was lick it off.

I looked away before I could become too hard. Exercising with him might not be a good idea in the future now that I knew how distracted I would be. There was a lot I still needed to learn about Arthur, but as of now I liked him. A lot. And it wasn't just because he was handsome and he had defined muscles in places I never knew muscles existed. When he danced, he was exquisite. The way he spoke of his family was sweet. How he had handled Alice this morning was...well it was a quality I wished I possessed and he had done it so easily. It had been arousing.

We had already been at the gym for awhile. He had done several exercises. If it had been just me, I probably would have called it good and left a while ago.

His new movement caught my attention. He was now on a mat stretching. I got up from the row machine and joined him in stretching. I paused though when I saw how easy it was for him to do the splits. I wasn't even half as flexible as he was. I didn't try to do the splits. I didn't want to damage anything I might need for my night with Arthur.

I followed him to the elevator that took us back up to his apartment. After the movie, we came here first so we could change into gym clothes. I had a gym bag in the trunk of my car more out of habit from when I used to go to the gym with Alex and Vincent. I had a gym in my apartment building too so I rarely went out to a gym anymore.

"The bathroom is down the hall. You can shower in there. There is soap and everything in there already." Arthur told me. He moved to go to his bedroom.

"We're not taking a shower together?"

He smirked. "No. Because I would be too tempted to do more than just shower. We'll shower separately and then I'll make dinner."

"Fine," I said. I was hungry. I walked a step, but then had a sudden thought that he seemed too familiar with this routine. "Have you had other men here?"

"Sweetie, you don't think I'm a virgin or that you're the first man I've had over do you? I know you're not a virgin and I don't care."

"No," I said. "I didn't think you were and it doesn't matter to me. It was simply a question." I wasn't even sure why I had asked it now. A moment of jealousy I supposed.

He stepped up to me and patted my cheek. "Go shower," he said. "And don't forget to take your clothes." He pointed to the clothes I had been wearing earlier. They were neatly folded on his red couch. He retreated into his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

I got my clothes and went into his guest bathroom. I showered and got dressed. The condoms were still in my pocket. Tonight was the night. Unless he changed his mind. If he changed his mind, that was all right. It wouldn't be the only opportunity. And we had only known each other for two days. Maybe I needed to cool it with my hormones.

When I came into the living room, Arthur's bedroom door was still shut. I went into his kitchen. My apartment was mostly woods and leathers. His was light and airy with glass and colors. His kitchen was a mix of whites and reds. His stovetop was glass.

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