Chapter 30

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Trevon Carter

Beautiful Art: Take me out to dinner.

Me: You already had your cheat day this month.

That had been on my insistence though since I really wanted to take him camping. And I didn't regret it. Not only had I gotten to see the stars and planets, Arthur said he liked camping with me. I felt refreshed and renewed. I sat on the couch in my apartment. I had just finished all my homework and was browsing the NASA website.

Beautiful Art: I don't have to cheat. I can eat something healthy. I just want to go out.

Me: Fine. We'll go out to eat. But you have to do your homework after.

Beautiful Art: Can you stop being such a nerd for just one moment. CY ILY


I settled back on the couch and picked up the book I was currently reading. It was a sci fi book about a female captain. Her ship was just supposed to haul basic supplies, but of course books didn't work out like that and they were currently being boarded by aliens somewhere near Jupiter. Jupiter was my favorite planet.

My phone rang. I picked it up and stared at the name coming up. I was too stunned for a moment because Vincent never called me. I always called him first.

I answered. "You called me. I'm shocked."

"I thought I better before you could give me a hard time about it," he said.

"I'm still going to give you a hard time," I said. "You should have called me a lot sooner." It was probably the first time he called me since I went to college in a different state.

"Okay, but I'm calling now. Be grateful," he said. The familiar teasing tone was in his voice.

"Whatever," I said easily. I wasn't really offended that he didn't call me more often. I knew he thought of me as his best friend. He just wasn't the type of person to reach out to others often.

"Did Alex tell you about Jason?" he asked.

Alex had called me not that long ago and updated me about Jason. "That he was finally arrested? Yes. I hate that guy. I hope he ends up in prison for a long time. It sounds like he's done this to multiple people." I didn't usually hate people. Jason was on the top of that list. He was despicable and I wished he had never come into Alex's life. I wished that somehow I could have seen through him to protect Alex before any of this happened.

"That's what Alex told me too," he said.

"I heard you are getting along with Alex's boyfriend," I said. That was another thing Alex had updated me on. Vincent had finally come around and broke out of his brainwashed state his parents had put him in. I hoped it lasted.

Vincent sighed. "I have been stupid. Mateo is nice and Alex really loves him."

"You have been stupid," I agreed because what else were friends for.

"I'm making up for it now," he said. "So how's school life? How are things with Arthur?"

"School's fine. It's school. Things are great with Arthur." I thought of Alice. She hadn't texted me again after she told me she still thought about me and I told her not to. But she came up and talked to me at Halloween and I wished she hadn't. I didn't really want to be friends with her. I just wanted to forget I ever dated her. Goosebumps formed on my arms.

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