Chapter one

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I slowly made my way to my room, at the manor, muscles stiff, and body sore. Bruce has been pushing my training pretty hard because I finally convinced my family to let me join the business. I want to be a superhero, so I don't put up a fuss with training. I make it to my room, after closing the door, I pretty much just collapse on my soft and squishy bed. I fall asleep as soon as my face hits the comfy surface. Too lazy to change out of my sweaty gym clothes.

My nightmares are what you'd expect after watching your parents be murdered by a clown clad psychopath. Every night I have to watch helplessly as my parents are killed, and I can never save them.

I awoke in my covers, one of the boys must have come in last night. My groggy brain wants more sleep but I know I'll have to get up at some point. I pull the massive cover off my body, and pull it over to make the bed. Alfred could easily do it, but I kind of enjoy doing it. I try to help out with any chores I can, because the man is like my grandpa. I make my way through the massive manor, down to the kitchen to have breakfast. By the time I get there Bruce, dick, Jason, tim, and Damian were already sitting there and Alfred was making breakfast. I sat down in my seat. Bruce looks at me.

"Well good morning sunshine, how'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Fine, still getting used to long nights though" I replied.

"So we were thinking that you go on patrol with me, as Amethyst, would you want to go?"

my head snapped up "Yes absolutely yes." Excitement crashing through me. I was going on patrol with Batman.

"Well I think we have to introduce you to the hero world, as a superhero. The league knows you as one of my adopted children but not as Amethyst, although I'm going to put you under the same restrictions as dick. No telling people your secret identity. It's forbidden." Bruce says sternly.

"Ok, I won't tell anyone dad" Bruce smiled, he loved it when we called him that instead of Bruce.

"Alright now hurry up or you'll be late for school." The two of us hurriedly ate our food, and rushed to our rooms, to get ready. Bruce has a thing with punctuality, and would add hours of training to anyone who is as late.

We rushed to school, Alfred driving the limo. Being the kids of a billionaire meant limo rides to school, all the nicest schools, and reporters on your tail. Dick and I were freshman in Gotham Academy, and were clad in their uniforms. We got out of the limo, and as always were swarmed by the fan girls for dick and fan boys for me. They were all so obsessed, like they didn't have anything better to do with their lives. Dick and I managed to escape the fans, and make it to our fist period class (Bruce pulled some strings to make sure dick and I had every class together).

"Well dickie we manage to escape yet again"

"Barely" dick said with a smirk.

"Oh brother you love the attention" I say as we walk to our seats together. Dick and I sat in the back of the classroom, and we sat together because dick was my best friend.

"Alright class we're going to have a pop quiz" Mrs. Alvarez said, she was a teacher that was famous at school for how impossibly hard her quizzes were. Dick and I had no issue with the quizzes because they were easy for us, after all we were both really good at math. The class groaned, but cleared the desks, and go ready for the quiz.

"You ready daphs?" Dick whispered

"Yeah dickie, these quizzes are always easy." I whispered back.

"You're totally feeling the aster" he retorted in whisper.

"Oh my gosh, dickie be careful, someone might hear you"

"Please like anyone here could figure it out."

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