Chapter six

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We arrived at Mt. Justice, just in our civies. The team wasn't in the living room, so dick and i walked to the kitchen. The kitchen had a small living room just off of it, where Wally was sitting there, watching tv, while m'gann was attempting to make some cookies. Connor was just staring at a wall, also sitting on the couch near Wally. Kaldur was no where in sight, and Artemis was probably doing target practice in the training room.

M'gann was the first to notice us.

"Hi guys, I'm glad you're here, I've got a new cookie recipe, and i want you to try it"

Wary of my food allergy to walnuts, I just had to ask. I had way too many allergic reactions to Alfred's cookies, until we finally figured out that I was allergic to the walnuts he always put in them.

"What is in the cookies?"

"I put in mixed nuts, I thought it would be fun to try because they were different."

"What kind of nuts?" Dick asked. He hated watching me have an allergic reaction because he was worried it would close my windpipe and I wouldn't be able to breathe.

"Almonds, cashews, and walnuts, why?"

"Nothing, just I'm allergic to walnuts. I can't try your cookies, sorry M'gann."

"It's ok, I'm just glad that i got to learn something new about you" I just smiled but it soon grew awkward, so i walked to the couch and dick followed me. I sat next to Wally, and dick sat next to me. I put my feet on Wally's lap, and my head on dick's lap. I pulled out my phone, playing a game, on it.

This position was as very familiar one, because every time we watched a movie at the manor, or at Wally's house, this is generally the set up we sat in on the couches.

Artemis walked in, and she was acting weird. She sat stiffly on the other couch, practically glaring at me.

"What's up Artemis, you keep glaring at me."

"Only that you look very comfortable with my boyfriend, more comfortable than i would like"

"Arty calm down, she's a good friend, just a friend, no need to get all worked up about it"

"Worked up? Worked up, why on earth would i be jealous of some girl who just came onto the team"

Oh no, this doesn't look very good.

"Ok first of all, she's not just some girl who just came on to the team, and second, no one said anything about being jealous" dick started to get really defensive.

Normally he was sarcastic and always had a smile on his face, unless you did something to his family, weather it was threatening them, to just being rude.

"Robin, its really ok, its not a big deal"

"You sure?"

"Yeah its fine"

"Well its not fine to me" Artemis stated crossing her arms.

Wait was she pouting. If only she knew who i was. We'd both be laughing right now, and she wouldn't be jealous about my relationship with Wally.

Kaldur walked in, who probably sensed the tension in the room, suggested a different thing to do.

"How about we do some training, my friends? Maybe get some of that tension out"

Artemis practically jumped out of her seat, "yeah, i call sparing Amethyst, unless of coarse she's chicken."

"oh please Amethyst could destroy you in her sleep, but she has nothing to prove"

"robin, please, it's fine, i can fight her, i need to earn my spot on this team, and i never turn down a good challenge, so i'll go"

"alright, but if she gets hurt, Artemis has to deal with Batman."

we walk to the training room, and step onto the mat. there are sensors in this matt, much like in the batcave that tell you when you either fail or succeed in the training exercise.

"computer, start simulation of artemis against Amethyst." kaulder commanded.

"recognized starting simulation, begin"

Artemis came after me, throwing punches and kicks, I easily outmaneuver her. compared to Batman, shes slow and untrained. At one point she started firing arrows at me, and i dodged every one. I was quickly getting bored, so i moved in, and tripped her causing her to fall, and i stole her bow, and arrows before she could even recover.

"Artemis fail, Amethyst Succeed" the computer's voice sounded, only to the annoyance of Artemis.

"oh come on, let's go again." Artemis demanded.

"no, I think I'm done sparring for today"

"yeah right, you just don't think you can win again"

robin started to talk but i just held a hand up to silence his overprotective side.

"Artemis, i don't know what your problem with me is, but i'm over this attitude, you've got going towards me, so please pray tell why you have such an issue with me."

"you just walked in here, and pretended like you have been here this entire time, but you haven't, you don't know what we've been through as a team, so who are you to act like that"

"well first of all, i was friends with Wally and Robin, since robin first dawned the cape, and wally, with his boots, and yes i know everything that's been happening with the team, because robin tells me, and I know i wasn't there, but i knew what happened in failsafe, and i have just been trying to be your friend, and earn my place on this team, but you're making this incredibly difficult." i finished my rant, and even robin was surprised, i rarely ever lash out in anger.

"recognized Batman, 0-2, Superman 0-1, Flash 0-4, Aquaman 0-6, Green Arrow 0-8, Martian Manhunter 0-7"

we all turned at the sound of our mentors arriving, they didn't look happy. I walked over to where robin was, both of us slightly wilting under the Batglare. It was Green Arrow was the one to speak.

"guys we need to talk."

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