Chapter fifteen

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I was flanked by dick and Jason as I walked to the living room. To say I was nervous was an understatement i mean I don't really know why, Kal was always so gentle in our relationship but that didn't stop me from being nervous, I was biting my lip the whole way there.

When we got in kal wasn't wearing his Aqualad get up but a black armor, and it kind of unsettled me.

"Hey kal, look who's back" dick shouted and I wanted to punch him in the face.

Kaldur turned around, shock was evident on his face.

"Hey kal" I said sheepishly. He ran at me and pulled me into a hug. He still smelled like the ocean, it was comforting because it was more familiar than his black armor.

I pulled back, not quite leaving the hug but more like our arms were around each other but looking at each other and there was an unasked question in his eyes.

"I was shot by the joker's gun and I jumped ahead five years but what about you Nightwing told me you were undercover"

"That brings me to why I am here, my father captured M'gann after she messed with my mind, he demanded she fix it, I decided it would be the best tactical advantage to leave the situation after she fixed my head, Artemis also got out as well as m'gann, I am sorry I blew my cover"

"It's fine kal, you probably would've done so anyways because she's back" dick said gesturing to me.

"That is probably very true" kal finished.

"We should probably get her to the rest of the team, you don't happen to know if any of the members of the justice league are here do you?" Jason asked

"I do not that would be a better question for M'gann, I'm going to go get dressed in my real uniform and join you shortly"

All three bats nodded their heads.

Dick took me to the rest of the mountain, I got a lot of hugs and the new team members kind of just stared at me in shock, apparently I was kinda a legend. Although I don't know why I've not really done anything less than any normal hero.

We had successfully gotten back to the batcave without alerting the league.

"Now onto the hard part, telling the league" dick said once we were fully in the batcave.

My phone rang.

"Hey dad.... yeah I'm fine... I'm not gonna disappear.... promise.... yeah I'm with dick and Jason rn..... we're gonna visit the league and tell them who Amethyst is.... yeah I'm sure.... love you too... bye"

I hung up, dick and Jason has question in their mask covered eyes.

"So dad knows that we're going up to the watchtower but I think that I want to tell them and for them to not figure it out so could i maybe go up first and tell them and you guys can come later?"

I could see the hesitation, I could understand the hesitation that they had because they were probably not liking the idea of me going anywhere by myself.

"Guys I'll be fine, I'll literally be in a tower with a bunch of superheroes ok, I'll be totally fine"

They gave me this look that told me they didn't approve of it.

"Guys come on at some point you'll have to let me go on my own so why not start now it's not like I'm going anywhere dangerous" I say trying to convince them.

"Fine you get ten minutes before we come up there after you" Jason responded.

"Thanks guys believe me I'll be totally safe" I finished with a reassuring smile.

I walked towards the transporter, typing in the coordinates for the watchtower.

Once it was all cued up and ready to go, I looked behind me, dick and Jason seemed very anxious. I flashed them a reassuring smile, and beamed up to the watchtower in my Amethyst attire.

The all too familiar feeling that the zeta beam brought went through my body, giving off a warm fuzzy feeling.

The watchtower was a large command center, that also had a huge living room because of the many members that actually lived in the watchtower itself.

They seemed to have all gathered in the living room, taking a deep calming breath I stepped into the room with all my aunts and uncles.

"Hi guys"

"Amethyst? I thought you were dead" black canary stated with a look of concern on.

"I wasn't ever dead I um got sent five years into the future from joker's ray gun"

This seemed to pique the interest of the rest of the group.

"But um that's not why I'm here, after a lot of thought I've decided to reveal who I really am to you guys because well batman still has that whole hush rule so I can't tell my teammates and I just wanted you guys to know I was alive"

The league looked confused. I took another deep breath and pulled off my domino mask.

Gasps echoed through the room.

"Daphne?" That was Superman.

Before I knew it I was surrounded in a massive group hug, the ones with superspeed getting there first.

Once everyone pulled away, I got a stern look from Superman, and the sheepish feeling returned.

"Bruce told us that you were presumed dead!! Why on earth were you dressing up to go with Batman? It is so dangerous out there!!"

"Uncle Clark that's so not fair, you parade around saving people too, and to answer you I haven't even been gone for five years, to me I saw all of you two days ago, and it was my decision to start being Amethyst, because I wanted to help people, besides it's not like dad let me go anywhere alone, I was always with dick or the team" I ranted quietly, although I knew the man of steel could hear me just fine.

A moment of silence passed, before the leaguers started moving again, when the crowd passed, dick and Jason were standing there, and smiling as I put my mask back on.

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