Insecure 😔

603 25 5

The definition of insecure is:not confident or sure

Whenever Wattpad authors decided to include an insecure character, they kind of make these weird choices. 

One being if they assign a picture to a character, especially if it's a girl she'll have the IG baddie outlook. 

-makeup slayed

-hour glass shape

-big butt

-large breasts

-snatched waist

Not saying that 'pretty' girls can't be insecure, but I'm just having a hard time believing that she can't look at herself in the mirror. Or that someone made fun of her appearance. Cause Lord knows if I looked like some of these IG models, I would not know how to act.  

Second, if the character is female you'll come across one these paragraphs. 

"Walking into the bathroom, I avoided the mirror so I wouldn't have to look at myself. My long curly hair was all over the place. Wearing my tank top, my boobs were about to fall out of my shirt. My messy hair and small shirt couldn't compare the the hate I had towards my thighs/butt. It was simply to big, the girls at my school would make fun at me for it." 

Usually after that I laugh, cause there are plenty of girls in this world trying to be curvy. That's the desired body type of this generation, and I don't know hearing that as a insecurity just makes me question what the author was really trying to say.

Third, I don't know why but why does it take some ex-fuc boy to make the girl no longer insecure. Like I get confused cause a fuc boy is someone who would only look in your direction because you had the curves and now he's supporting all body types. 



Mmmm thought so. Someone giving you compliments can feel nice but self-confidence is something a person has to do for themselves. A boy or girl can't give you self-confidence. Yet in Wattpad it happens so often, it's makes me laugh. 

Fourth, once these characters develop their self-esteem they start hating on another girl.(Usually it's because their jealous.)

Ugh where could my husband possibly be. I searched for his up and down the school hallway. Class was over, and I haven't seen him all day. All of a sudden I see him talking to some biatch. 

Ummm are they laughing together, hell no. Sis is trying to steal my man. What did she have that I didn't, obviously nothing. The girl had no butt or boobs, ha. 

And I just do a double take because, at the beginning of the book were you not afraid someone commented about your weight. But here we are. I'm not a doctor nor have I been in any relationships but sounds like the main character is insecure about her relationship. If the first thought of seeing your boyfriend and a girl laughing is 'sHe iS tRyInG tO sTeAl mY mAn'

Here is some memes to carry my point.

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