The secret place

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We walk into the restaurant, the waiter bring us to our table and gave us a menu. "Ooh everything looks so good!" I say, "Also our waiter is kinda cute." I say smiling. I watch Colby look down while his eyes tear up. "Is something wrong Colby?" I say immediately after. "I'm fine my eyes just water at random sometimes." He says to cover up his sadness." Okay just making sure." I smile, he smiles back at me and our waiter walks back over. "What May I get you guys to drink?" The waiter asks," Do you have lemon water here?" I say, "Actually we do have lemon water." He says, "ill take a lemon water then." I say as I smile at him, "I'll take a regular water" Elton says. "I'll take a lemon water too." Colby says. "I'll take a regular water too." Brennen says.

The waiter walks away and comes back with our drinks and to take our orders, I just order some California rolls because I don't know much about sushi. Everyone else orders something bazaar but that's normal since they probably eat sushi all the time.

*30 minutes later*

Our waiter comes back to give us the bill, he wrote something on the note.
*give the beautiful girl at the table my number.* on the bottom is his number.

"This guy is so sweet." I say as I look for him. I stumble across him looking at me and we lock as for a second, I smile and look away. I look over at the boys and they are looking at him like they want to kill him it's kinda weird. "Are you boys okay?" I say looking confused," you're staring very intensely at him." I say still looking confused. They both shake their heads and say we're fine. We get up and walk out of the restaurant I turn around and wave at him while I smile. He motions and mouths call me at me. I nods and mouth I will. I smile and walk out. On the way home. I text this guys I still don't know his name

Hey :)

*couple minutes later*

Who's this ?

It's the girl from the restaurant :)

Oh my name is Hayden Erickson by the way ;)

My name is Elizabeth White

Do you want to hang out later get to know each other

I would but the guys I'm with is for a trip and I'm hanging out with them, I also don't live here. :(

Oh, that's okay.

I'm sorry I really truly am.

I never get a reply back so I guess that was the end. We get back to the trap house and walk into the house. "I think I'm gonna go up and take a nap I'm kinda tired." I say. They look at me and nod. I walk up to Colby's room to take a nap and I hear Kat and Sam laughing in his room. They sound like they're having fun. I fall asleep. I wake up an hour later cause I hear the shower turn on. "It must be Colby or Sam taking a shower." I say, a couple minutes later I hear it turn off and I hear a knock at the door. *knock* *knock* *knock*

"Yes?" I say, "May I come in I need to get some clothes?" Colby says. "Yeah come in." I say. He walks in with water dripping down his body, a towlel around his waist. I look away really fast. "You can look it's fine." Colby says, he chuckles "I'm kidding I have underwear on." He says. I look back at him, he drys of his hair and shoulders. He looks at me and I see his bright blue eyes. I fall in love at that moment, I'm just staring into his eyes. "Hey." He says while he walks closer to me. "Do you want to have some fun tonight?" He says. I'm still looking into his eyes I feel like I'm about to jump into a pool there so bright. "What kind of fun?" I say finally out of the trance. "It's a secret but you'll only know if you come with me." He says, "sure what time?" I say, "Now so get ready." Colby says while he smiles. He puts on his shirt and walks out the door."ILL BE DOWN IN A FEW!" I yell at him. I don't hear a response back but I'm pretty sure he heard me.

* about 20 minutes later*

I went downstairs to find Colby standing there at the front door waiting for me with his keys in his hand. "I'm ready to go!" I say quickly. "Okay hop into my car and we'll be on our way." We both get into his maroon Toyota Corolla, I love his car and it smells so good in here it smells like fresh fruit. We leave about a couple minutes after we got into the car.

*about 30 minutes later*

I look at Colby and he looks so gorgeous from the side but his personality is so amazing! I can't help but smile. He sees me smile and looks at me. I quickly turn away, he smiles at me and turns his eyes back to the road. "So where are we going?" I say, "We're going somewhere secret." He says as he laughings. "Haha real funny Colby, now where are we going seriously!?" I say in a serious tone. "I told you it's a secret you'll fine out when we get there." He says. "Ugh fine." I sigh.

*20 minutes later*

"We're here." Colby says. I look up to see nothing but forest. "Colby you took me to a forest?" I say disappointed. "It's through the forest silly." He says as he smiles and laughs. "Oh sorry, well let's go before it gets dark." I say, "Lizzie it's 5:15, it doesn't get dark until 8-9:00 in Cali." He says. I smile and say "oh haha embarrassing I'm used to it getting dark at 6:30." He looks at me and grabs my hand and we start running into the forest. I start laughing cause I'm already having fun, let alone with my idol! "How far is it?" I say, "maybe 5 more minutes?" He says. He stop and he jerks me back and I fall backwards into his arms. "Oops sorry Lizzie didn't mean to do that." He says looking down at me. I get lost in his eyes again. He helps me stand back up. The sun hits my eyes and I flinch almost falling again, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back up. "I'm so clumsy, and I feel so embarrassed." I say shyly. "It's fine I understand we're in a forest after all." He says. He smiles at me and looks me directly into my eyes. "I have something to tell you Lizzie." He says with a serious face. "What is it?" I say. "I like you?" He says still looking me in the eyes. DID COLBY JUST SAY HE LIKED ME!? At the moment I'm freaking out but not showing it. I froze in my position. "What?" I say. "I like you lizzie, I really do ever since I say you I fell in love with you, that's why I took you here my secret place." He says. I'm blushing so much right now. Every single thought I could say is running through my head. I like him to but I don't want him to know. "I like you too!" I say out loud. Shit did I just say that out loud! "You do?" Colby says, "Yeah I like you, you have an amazing personality." I say, "I have an amazing personality?" He says. "Yeah I say is there something wrong?" I say. "People usually say they like me for my looks." He says looking down. "Well you're very handsome but I don't like people for their looks, it's their personality that matters to me, looks are just a bonus." I say. "Do you like me for me looks?" I ask. "NO goodness no!" He says "I love you for your personality!" He says immediately after....

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