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"Hyung if I knew I wouldn't have tried to set you guys up." Jimin apologized for the fifth tone to night. For trying to set my up with his brother Taemin. I may have told them that's who I'm in love with.

Taemin is amazing but I don't think I could ever be in love with him. Or be willing to die instead of lose feelings.

"Hyung sorry for bothering you but Jungkook sent over another package."

His last package had my favorite books and movies. A pack of tissue and a plushie. Because who the hell doesn't like plushies?

I love him so fucking much, god he's perfect.

"There's a letter in here."
I open pretty box to see some of my favorite snacks, a hoodie, some CDs because I'd rather have CDs than download music. And Hobi was right. A letter in a soft pink envelope.

I'll read it later. I gotta keep up the lie of being in love with Tae-Min.

"He's going through a break up? Are you sure?" Somi asked me as she layer on my bed.

"That's what I was told."

"And his ex keeps binging him flowers? Oppa, I mean this the nicest way possible. You're fucking naive."


"Listen I'm going to meet Jisso and Jen, so I'll leave you to your thoughts." She went to reach for a hoodie. That's Yoongi's hoodie. I grab it before she can. She sends me the look and grabs a different one instead.

I thought I sent this to him?


Hey Hyung, I heard that you're going through a tough time with a break up. I'm sorry I can't be there for you. I really wish I could be there to show you even if Taemin can't see how perfect you are. I see it and I love everything about you. My way of taking care of you is by sending you all the things I know you love and if you don't like it just say that word and I'll stop. But please don't hate it because without doing this I can't give you the hugs and kisses? XOXO.

Haha no but really. Hyung don't let this break up control you. I don't really know the last time I dated anyone but if he's hurting you then he's not worth it.

Sorry for my writing. It's being don't during class. And I have a project to work on. I have to work with my sisters friend Irene. If I was straight I'd date her but I'm here all alone crushing on some guy who could have any guy he wants. He's really adorable. A cute button nose. Plush doll lips. I think if he was y'all he wouldn't be as cute. Someone told me him and Jihoon look alike but my crush is way cuter( no offense to Jihoon) he's blonde hair fucks me up everytime I see it and uh don't get me started on his kitten eyes or how he smells. Fuck and when he wear my clothes. Anyways sorry for your break up Hyung. Just remember I love you.

Get well soon.

"Fuck you Jeon Jeongguk, fuck you." I sob into the small grey cat plushie.

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