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"Yoon? I'm bored!" Jungkook's voice rang in my ears. The semester started again but neither of us can go back to school. I can hardly move or breathe, while Jungkook is constantly throwing up. I wish he'd confess to his crush so he wasn't going through something like this. It hurts watching him this way(V).

Lilac and red petals fill the jars every hour. If it even takes that long. Yellow petals everyone now and then. They are truly petty but so painful. My airways blocked by petals more and more by the day.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, so so so sorry," I cry out heart rate spreading up. I try to breathe but it's hard. I start breathing faster and faster unable to control it. "I want you, I'm so sorry, I don't wanna leave like this! I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner, but that wouldn't make you love me, so what's the point?"

I cry and cry. Breathing and heart rate out of control that I'm sure everyone is on their way. His face is shocked and pale. It's my fault. It's all my fault. "I told myself not to fall in love, and that's what I did. I fell so fucking hard, it felt so good. It felt so good until I realized I wasn't wanted back, but still just seeing you took my breath away," I gasp for air as my vision blurs. "Goodbye Jungkook, I love you,"

I can't really see but the door opens and Jungkook is holding my face. There are more than us two here I can't hear and feel it. All the steps on the floor. The soft pair of lips on mine, as my vision goes black. I can o my feel the wind on my body as I'm rushed around the hospital. My cheeks wet from both mine and Jungkook's tears.


"Jungkook calm down," My breathing is fast, fast from watching Yoongi get dragged out of the room not even two hours ago. I can still feel his lips on mine, I can still hear those words. Goodbye? He can't leave me.

I'm not even sure he heard me when I told him I loved him. His skin was so cold against my warm hands. I wanted to cry. No I want to cry... Am I crying?
Oh god how didn't I notice tears on my cheeks, I'm go far gone there is no saving me. Time flies wether I'm checking it or not. They said he was resting and that they aren't sure if he'll make it. They didn't preform any surgeries just pumped his stomach.

"If Yoongi isn't fine then kill me, let me die," Taehyung's head snaps up and he stares at me like I lost my mind. Maybe I have. I don't even know if he'll be okay.
"Yah! Jeon Jeongukk!-"

"What? Tell me? I'M DYING ANYWAYS RIGHT? Huh I'm right then. I'm going to die here all alone. Let me then,LET ME DIE! I WANNA JUST DIE ALREADY! Love isn't supposed to hurt..."

"Yah! Love hurts like motherfucking hell Jeongukk, being in love sucks." That voice...Yoongi? I want to turn around to see but I can't. If it is him, he'll look so sick I'll cry. His eyes and body will be as lifeless as before. "Constantly thinking about that person, their everyone move, every action. It feels like your heart is being rung out just a sad smile from the one you love can hurt like hell. But that's what makes it real. If I didn't wanna cry every time you smiled I wouldn't love you dumbass. It hurts and if it didn't it wouldn't be real." He hugs my back and I can feel his heartbeat. It pounds against my back and I start crying. He's alive, he didn't die. His smell is as strong as ever and so is his voice.

"Yoongi," my voice barely a whisper.

The book is comin to an end and I hope this was emotional because I such at writing sad shit. I hope you cried because I didn't, but my heart hurts. I wanna know what it feels like to be in love. Have you ever been in love? If so what age?

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