Chapter6 This New Feeling

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•Germany's POV•

As we pulled up to my house, I stopped the motorcycle and turned the engine off. Italy still clutching onto my waist.

"Italy ve are here." I said gently, he raised his head that vas buried into my back. He released my waist.

"Ve~ what-a pretty house!" He said enthusiastically.

I smiled my rare smile as I got off zhe bike and I helped Italy off it as well. He smiled at me the warmth in zhe put of my stomach coming back. What is zhis?!

"Doitsu!" Italy's cheery voice dragged me from my thoughts, my dogs sniffed zhe giggling Italy.

Italy smiled as I valked over there to them, squatting down beside him. Italy laughed as zhe dogs attacked me vith kisses. I chuckled as I called zhem off of me.

"Italy are you ok?" I asked

"Sí, it's-a fine!" He assured me, I smiled slightly, the weird thing is that my dogs never do that to stranger they don't get close to anyone zhat fast, vith anyone. As I showed it's to his new room.

"Do you-a have any pasta?" He asked vith his cheery voice.

"Nein, I'm sorry, but I have vurst and potatoes and other things." I said, to my surprise he started tearing up.

"No-a pasta?!" He literally cried.

"Please don't cry! Ve can buy some!" I said hoping zhe little Italian country vould calmed down I don't like it vhen he cries. He sniffled as he looked

"Ve~ really?" He sniffled looking up into my eyes.

"Ja, really." I promised, he smiled his biggest smile, and zhat made zhe whole day better somehow.

Time skip~~~ my life is a fart~~~

I valked out of my study smelling something amazing.

"Italian, vhat are you cooking?"


"But I'm smelling vurst.." I replied confused.

"Cause I'm-a making pasta and wursts! I knew how much you liked wurst and I liked pasta so I made wursts balls and pasta!"

"Danke, Italian." I thanked him blushing he smiled and nodded.

"Dinners ready!" He said happily I valked in zhe kitchen.

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