Chapter11 Nightmares

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🇮🇹Italy's dream POV🇮🇹

I'm crying holding Germany's dying hand, the guns fired all around us.

"Ita.. Italy.." He coughed up blood "You... Must... Be.. Strong.. Leave.. Me.. Save.. Yourself!"

"N-No! I can't leave you Germany!" I cried he closed his eyes forever more. The enemy behind me. I continued wailing over my Germany.

•Germany's POV•

I avoke to a screaming and crying Italy he is still asleep. "Italy vake up!" I shouted vorriedly he avoke in tears.

"GERMANY!!" He screamed crying I pulled Italy to me. Ve are chest to chest now. I took my free hand and put it on zhe back of his head. I pushed his forehead against mine. Italy finally opened his eyes. His breaths coming quick and short. "Italy I'm right here." I assured him I rubbed zhe back of his hair gently, his hair is so soft. I looked into his beautiful carmel brown eyes.

"Sh~ it's ok I'll always be here Italy." I cooed calming him out foreheads still pressed together. Our lips could touch any second. I vanted them to touch so badly.

I gently and slowly pressed my lips to his, his breathing hitched, he froze. I removed my lips from his.

"I-I'm sorry Italy, I just had to do that just once." I apologized "You must think I'm a nasty and dirty man.. You must be disgusted vith me."

I vas going to look avay but before I could Italy's lips were on mine gently pressing against mine, but vith more urgency it's like he's begging for me to kiss back. I kissed back gently pulling him closer each time ve kissed, soon he vas on my lap. Ve broke avay for air.

"Ger..many.." He panted catching his breath "I'm not-a disgusted with-a you! I'm-a glad you did that!" He smiled making my heart skip a beat. Dammit, how'd he get through to my heart? Zhat has many stonewalls with barbed wire and fire all around it.

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