01. Beaches And Benches

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"What do you mean I can't stay here!" 

My mother straightened her blouse in an attempt to look stern. "What I mean is, you are not staying here alone when I'm halfway across the world," She began, "It's simply not happening, not in my book, and definitely not by the law either." 

I ripped the black veil off of my face, its mesh material had been obstructing my view. I felt the strong need to punch someone in the face, most probably my older brother who sat there looking rather amused by my current state of disarray. 

I turned my attention back to my mother, "Mom, come on you aren't being reasonable." I pleaded pathetically.  

"My decision is final Bambi," she stated resolutely. I could see the weariness in her eyes, but suddenly I could only feel outrage and anger swarming within me, that was enough for every ounce of rational thought to leave my body.

I lashed out, "You are so selfish, honestly, what the hell," my temple throbbed with every syllable I spat, "You're demanding that I come back and leave behind everything, you didn't seem to care this much when you left me last time!" 

My brother attempted to step in, but I didn't give him the chance as the words continued to spill out of my mouth, "You're only here so you can sell the house, you don't give a shit about me and you certainly didn't give a shit about Nana!"

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them as I had never regretted anything before. I saw mom's face harden, her mouth thinning into a sharp line. Within seconds, Enzo had crossed the space between us, his furious gaze trained on me: "You're out of order. Get the hell out." 

By the time I managed to gape my mouth open, Mom had turned away, and  Enzo blocked the path between us. Shame washed over me as I heard her soft sobs from behind him, and I apologized hoarsely, fumbling for the door handle.

I raced out of the house, tears blurred my vision as I bounded down the steps of the patio. I ruined everything, I hated myself for it. I kept walking purposefully not knowing where my feet were taking me, my thoughts whirling endlessly.

On the spur of a moment, I found myself steaming through the air. And a fraction of a second later, I was lying on the ground in a heap. My palms burned as they rubbed against the jagged rocks, a sharp pain shot up my knee as I attempted to get back on my feet. I looked down to see what damage had been done, grimacing slightly I tried to cover up the gash with my scratchy black tights. But the tear in the fabric that was now present only made it look worse. 

I let out a curse, heaving a heavy sigh I looked up to see where my feet had taken me.

The sea glistened mercilessly, even from here you could see the fishermen, except when you looked at them from a distance like this they were nothing but nameless silhouettes dancing on the great blue. 

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