02. The Hello Of Goodbyes

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Two million, six hundred and twenty-eight thousand minutes worth of petty arguments.

One thousand, eight-hundred and twenty-five days of snarky comments. 

Sixty months of crazy conversations. 

Five years of bellyaching laughter. That's what these walls had seen. 

I stood there under the scorching mid-day sun watching the last of the men working on the house change the lock on the emerald door, the key that was fisted in my hand feeling heavier than ever.

A voice calling my name snapped me out of my daze. I craned my head around to see Enzo waiting for me by a yellow taxi parked in the driveway. 

With one last glance at the lawn I'd spent blistering summers running around on, the dents on the wooden steps I'd made with my bike and the wooden window frame of my former bedroom, I finally turned away, stalking towards Enzo. 

"I'm almost as tall as you now." I teased once I reached him, Enzo scowled before turning away from me to tend to the suitcases.

"That's only because Nana had you on steroids whilst you were away." He shot back sourly

I let out a hearty chuckle, "Steroids don't make people taller you numpty." 

Enzo didn't deign to give me an answer, instead, he mumbled something incoherent before resuming his struggle with my luggage. After watching him suffer for a minute or two, I slipped into the taxi, shortly joined by Mum and a red-face Enzo. 

The car engine rumbled to life, and before I knew it we had lurched forward and drove off. I didn't trust my self to look out of the window without wanting to jump right back out of the moving vehicle.  

So instead I closed my eyes before my thoughts faded and my mind was blank. And for the first time in what seemed like forever, I fell into a deep sleep.


 I sat in the car with my eyes wide and nose pressed against the window. Mum couldn't help but chortle at my expression, her brown orbs sparkling with amusement. I didn't blame her.

 For someone who had just disembarked a thirteen-hour plane ride, I was very much awake. My eyes flew from side to side as I soaked in the glorious Helena sky-line. Not that there were any towering buildings and blinding lights, it was the sheer simplicity of it that had me enchanted.

 A small part of me couldn't help but feel guilty for being wooed so quickly, New Zealand was my home and I had thrown it aside already.

"The look on your face is making me feel like I should appreciate the view 'round here more." A voice drawled from the driver's seat.

For The Sake Of Heartsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن