03. The Birth Of The Cosplay Freak

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I found out exactly what she meant the following week.

I stood there pulling at the ghastly checkered skirt. I had been trying and failing, to add even a millimetre to its length. I groaned, "Mum this is never going to work."

Mum stood there looking at me sympathetically. Nothing she said could convince me that I didn't look like a cos-play freak crossed over with a prostitute. "It's going to have to make do, I'm sorry, sweetheart, I had no idea you'd be this tall." 

Enzo chose that moment to walk into the kitchen.

His arms were stretched above his head as he yawned obnoxiously, pausing for a moment his blue eyes scanned my uniform, the horrible sight seemed to wake him up.

"Say anything, I dare you." I threatened. His lips twitched but he kept quiet as he turned towards the fridge.

"Mum, please, I can't go anywhere looking like this," I begged. My pleas went unnoticed as Mum ignored me and continued making my packed lunch. I let out a shriek, "Why is life not fair!?"

Enzo snorted, clearly amused by my existential crisis. The scalding glare I sent his way spoke volumes about how I felt about him at that moment. Walking over to the marble counter I dropped my head into my hands with an aggravated sigh, "Why can't I just continue Homeschool?" 

"You know why Bambi," 

"Actually I don't mom, you sprang it upon me, I could have easily continued homeschooling like I did in New Zealand." 

Mom stopped, laying down the kitchen utensil in her hand on the granite worktop. "Bambi, you've been living in the back end of the planet for the past five years with practically no social interactions with people your age, so no you won't be doing homeschool!"

"That's right Bambi!" Enzo chorused in an obnoxious high pitched tone. 

I sent him a dirty look and sent a metal spoon flying with it. Enzo ducked just in time, the spoon skimming over his head. The clattering of metal sounded throughout the kitchen as the spoon fell on to the floor. Leaning over, Enzo picked up the spoon and plonked it into his bowl, flashing me a grin. 

I made my move to grab another metal object as mom told us to break it up. He raised his hands up in surrender, fluttering his non-existent lashes at mom. Muttering a curse mom went back to sorting out my lunch, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 

"How come you're at home or have you finally called it quits like the dropout you were destined to be?" I gibed at Enzo.

He didn't seem to be remotely bothered by my insult, he just moved over to the wooden table that was across the room with his bowl of cereal, "Term starts in October, suck it up squirt." He smirked at me.

Before I could say anything back, mom ushered me into the hallway and handed me my lunch in a paper bag before grabbing the backpack that was flung onto the floor by the stairs, with a pointed look she gave it to me. I slung it over my shoulder and begrudgingly made my way towards the door.

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