Explain! Now!

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Y/n's p.o.v.

As I walk into my house and see that they are sitting there angerily. I groan and push past them to get to the booze. I crawl up on the counter to get to the top shelf. That's where the best of it is. I open the cabinet and pull out my Brandy. I try to crawl off the counter but my foot slips. I squeak and turn myself in mid air. I close my eyes waiting for the hard tile on my kitchen floor. But what I get are two arms catching me before that happens. I open my eyes slowly. I glance up to see Aziraphale's worried eyes. I scramble to get up off of him. I blush and hold up the Brandy. "I need something to drink before I explain" I say rushing past him and pouring myself a tall glass. I chug that quickly and go to pour myself another glass but decide that I like the idea of the bottle more. I place it to my lips and start chugging. I am almost half way done and I feel the bottle being pried from my fingers. It comes of with an empty popping sound. I glare dizzily at the thief and see that it's Crowley. He looks at me worriedly. Aziraphale places a hand on my shoulder and leads me to the sofa in my front room. I look around before I sit down and decide to sit on my coffee table. I motion for them to sit on the couch in front of me. They do and I sigh and rub my face vigorously. "Care to explain?" Crowley asks. I shake my head and groan. I hear him growl and slam his hands down on the table on either side of me. I jump and look up at him. His serpent like eyes burning holes into my e/c ones. I gulp and try to form words but a squeak comes out instead. He growls again. "Explain! Now!" He exclaims at me. I tremble a bit. I had never seen Crowley this angry with me. I let out a shaky okay and he backs away and sits on the couch next to Aziraphale. Who looks a bit shocked and terrified as well. I swallow dryly. Wishing I still had my booze. I advert my gaze trying to form the correct words. "I... I uhhh... I have been raising the Antichrist" I say nervously. I hear Crowley burst into laughter. "I'm not kidding" I say softly as I bring my eyes to Aziraphale then to Crowley who had stopped laughing suddenly. "Wait what?" He says a bit shocked. "I thought that if you would know then your sides would try and use you guys to get to him" I bite my lip, waiting for an outburst. But it never happened. What happened was I was smothered in hugs. I stiffen at the sudden contact. Even Crowley was hugging me. I feel tears start to stream down my cheeks and a pathetic sob erupt from my throat. I was the princess of hell and I was crying. I hold on to them tightly. One thing I could never tell them is that I don't want them to ever leave me. I want them here with me forever. I need them. But what would they say? I'd get friendzoned. I couldn't bare that heart break. I mean we've had our drunken moments. And sure I fantasize about what they could do to me. But they call me their friend... I want to be theirs. But I can't. Because I love them both. Armageddon is going to tear us apart. That's why I have to stop it. We let go of each other and they look me in the eyes. "We'll help stop Armageddon" they both say at the same time. I smile softly as Aziraphale wipes away my tears and places to kisses on each cheek. I blush and Crowley looks upset. I'm not sure if it's because of Aziraphale or because of tommorow. I shrug it off and stretch. "Do you guys want to stay here tonight?" I ask as I get up. They both look at each other then look at me and nod. I smile, then blush. "Well we're going to have to share my bed. My couch isn't comfy. So I hope you don't mind" I say blushing madly. They both smirk. Whelp might as well. And with that thought, I go and get dressed for bed. Once I come out of the restroom I walk into my bedroom and find both of them with their wings out and spread out on my bed. I chuckle softly and hop in the middle of them and unfold my wings. Covering us all with them like a soft blanket. They snuggle against my wings and I hold in my moan. My wings are highly sensitive and so I stay still and wait for them to settle down before I relax and drift off to sleep.

Crowley x Reader x AziraphaleWhere stories live. Discover now