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I closed the door behind me then leaning against it for a while. I hung my head down, still couldn't believe what I just saw.

They'll die on the same day? That's just weird. But that's not the weird thing in this case. They'll die with the same cause. If the same cause is murder or accident then it's normal. But no. It's not a murder nor accident. They died because of heart attack. Isn't that weird? Isn't heart attack some kind of individual sickness? Then how.. wait.. unless.. no.. that's not necessary.. that doesn't make sense..

I was deep in my thoughts until I felt a presence beside me. I turned my head and flinched at the said presence who's a ghost- oh wait, it's just Near.

"You know I could get a heart attack." I said even though I don't have a heartbeat.

"You dragged me with you." He said with a monotone voice.

"I did?"

"Yes. And I assumed that you wanted me to wait for you so I stayed."

Ehh.. Thanks?

"I'm here now. Let's go, to the library!" I said, smiling stupidly as I grab his arm and use my free hand to point forward.

Near flinched a bit and released his arm from my grip, ruining the scene.

"What's with you??" I pouted.

"I am not fond with human contact." he said, looking away.

I stared at him for a while. I don't know why but he actually looks...

"Cute." I blurted.

"I am not cute." he said, sounded.. annoyed?

Wait, what? Let me try again..

"You're adorable."

He glared at me then walks away leaving me behind.

Okay he got annoyed. Cute.. but not fun.

"Hey I'm joking! Wait up fluff!"






"Snow child? Cotton cream?? Ice kid??? Near????"

Ignored. Ignored. Ignored. And yet, still ignored.

"Stop ignoring me!! Ten times is too much!!" I yelled.

"I only ignored you seven times." He finally said.

"Me calling your name counted as 4! But that's not the point I'm talking about!!" I yelled again as I followed him to a room with a library sign above the doors.

"That is not the point as well." He said then walks away leaving me alone.

Y'know what? I'll just read a book.

I walked around to some section but avoided the history section because the annoying creature was there.

I keep walking for some minutes then stopped at the science section and smiling to myself.

Now, to find a magic book!

Nah, just kidding-

"Mells, guess what? I found a magic book!"

Me and my stupid thoughts..

Wait! Mells? Mello??

I turned around, looking for the voice owner and spotted a blond sitting on one of the chairs eating chocolate and a redhead with googles trying to shove a book at the blond and holding a nintendo ds with his other hand.

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