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"Hey you! I'm talking to you!"

I turned to see a boy with dark brown hair. "Hm?"

"What are you doing in the middle of the forest by yourself??"

"I'm obviously picking mushrooms." I said as my eyes landed on a fuzzy doll he's holding.

"Boys playing with dolls these days.."

"It's not a doll!! My mom said it's a charm to scare away negative spirits."

Kid, you're talking to one of them. And there is no way I got scared by a stuffed look-alike bear.

"Why are you alone?? Where's your parents??"

You're pretty annoying y'know..

"Well, what does it looks like??" I said.

"You.. don't have parents? Is that why you're alone??"

"Yup." I simply said as I got up and carrying the mushrooms in my arms.

"That's not good!! Come with me!! You have to meet my mom and my friends!!" The boy said and grabbed one of my arms, making some mushrooms fell off my grip.

"The heck kid?! I'm going nowhere!!" I said trying to release his grasp.

"But you're a kid too! And you're coming with me!!" He insisted and drags me to a village nearby.

I'm a kid look-alike and not human so.. "Stop dragging me!"

"No! You'll be my friend!" he said, giving me the stupidest smile I ever saw.

But it somehow feels warm..

"End. Wake up."

"Ugh.." I opened my eyes but then shut them when I saw an all white figure. "30 more minutes.." I said and turned the other way.

"You will miss breakfast."

"I'm not hungry then. Go away.." I grunted.

"Alright. We will have a test at 10 a.m, be on time." He said as his footsteps getting far and a sound of a door being closed.

"Yeasurewhatever.." I grumbled and drifted back to sleep.


I yawned, stretching my arms and rolls the other way.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes, trying to see the clock.

"Oh. 5 more minutes before 10." I lied back to the floor.





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