Chapter 13

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The castle staff and most of the city in general were in state of uproar. It was morning before Arthur's birthday and along with final preparations for tomorrow's celebration, they were preparing the guest chambers for the arrival of Lady Inis Averay, Anwen's mother, her sister Cara and two other ladies of Solascoill's court. Though latter three names were not familiar to citizens of Camelot, Inis Averay or de Bois was; at least to the older citizens.

"Merlin what's wrong?" Anwen asked when she spotted her friend coming down the corridor with puzzled look on his face.

Some of the courtiers she passed by were still giving her strange looks even though it has been a week since Alined's rather short visit. Honestly, she saved them all a lot of trouble by making Alined and that trickster servant of his, Trickler, paranoid.

Well…Merlin had to be congratulated too for causing Alined to croak during the meeting whilst Anwen was talking, making it impossible to accuse her of using magic. And poor Trickler at the end of the day looked like he saw death itself. That might have had something to do with the fact that Kyna was trying out the citadel wall acoustics with echoing spells. Or maybe it had something to do with Kyna having sudden inspiration to sing a song about a trickster that met his end after trying to instigate discord on his king's court.

She knew Arthur was aware of this but said nothing because Alined did not complain. In fact, when he announced he was leaving just two days in his stay; he sounded most worried about Uther's health and told Arthur that should he ever need his help, he was only to ask.

"Um…What? Oh, nothing is wrong, I was just thinking about your mother. It has been a long time since I saw her." Merlin mused.

"Yes, I think she feels the same. She will be happy to see you again."

"I know…Arthur seems to be a nervous wreck though."


"He has never seen her before and when he found out that many of the older citizens still remember her…Well he feels slightly under pressure."

"He will do fine…Mother always wanted to see him and she was always sad that she did not get to see him grow up."

The sudden cry Shae let out from the sky above as she circled the citadel drew their attention.

"Well, Arthur can shove away his nervousness for later. Mother will be here in half an hour."

"Do you mind if you go and tell him that? I had enough of cups and goblets flung my way for the entire next week."

"Do not worry Merlin." Anwen spoke teasingly as she placed a hand on his shoulder to make a mock solemn promise. "I will protect you from his royal pratness."

"Thank you milady." Merlin followed with mock bow, resulting in both of them laughing.

"Do go find Kyna and others, let them know my mother will arrive soon. I will handle Arthur." Anwen got serious and with nods to each other, left in opposite directions.

When Merlin was right, he was right. Anwen found her cousin pacing his chambers nervously.

"How come you were not so nervous when Alined was here week ago?"

Her sudden question made him jump and glare at her.

"Merlin is bad influence on you."

"What does Merlin have to do with me?"

"You didn't knock."

"I doubt you would have heard me, with all the pacing." Anwen walked over to stop him. "Why are you nervous?"

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