Chapter 1

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Although most people would complain, the chill air the early morning of spring was in Anwen’s opinion refreshing and served as sort of reminder that even this early in the morning, any possible traveller should be alert at all times to the possible danger that lurked in the woods and isolated places that were distant from frequently used travelling routes.

She came to a stop just outside the village that was on the border of Escetia and Camelot. It was called Ealdor and was home to the mother of her dear friend she met when they were children and she was passing through with her parents on the way to Odin’s realm Bernicia. The village seemed to be quiet and peaceful, there were small pillars of smoke rising from few houses but otherwise she could see no one outside.

That struck her as bit strange, even though it was early, peasants would already be outside on the fields. Her sharp eyes noticed an arrow bolt imbedded in nearby wooden fence and made her wonder if this is why everyone was in their homes. When she approached the village, she found no evidence of attackers. Either way, she came here with a mission to see her friend’s mother and then backtrack a bit to Camelot to see Merlin.

Merlin was first to wake up. Although little confused at first, he quickly remembered where he was, why he was here and who came with him to Ealdor. After making Kanan run yesterday, Arthur decided to start training the villagers in some basic fighting skills to improve their chances of winning because four of them alone could not fight them all.

He dressed up and decided to let three of his friends sleep little bit longer whilst he went out to get fresh water and help his mother with breakfast. When he turned to go back inside, he noticed a fair skinned, blonde woman riding on a pure white horse towards him with smile on her face.

Although from a far he did not recognise her, when she came closer he saw her to be an old friend, woman he met when they were merely seven years old. Princess Anwen. Wide smile appeared on his face as he put the bucket full of water down and speedily approached her, holding her horse as she dismounted.

“It has been a long time old friend.” Anwen murmured in her soft voice and hugged him.

Despite what Merlin may have thought of him, Arthur noticed immediately when Merlin got up and left the house. He was also aware that he did not wake the rest of them and went to get fresh water and help his mother with the chores. Even here, in his own home, he did his best to be his manservant, however annoying he was with his wit and clumsiness.

So when Merlin did not come back long after he left the house, Arthur got up himself and went out to find him, seeing as he instructed villagers to remain inside their homes to the late morning. He was surprised to say the least to see him hugging a young woman clad in light armour and he could tell the way they were talking and smiling that they were old friends. Maybe even more…

 “Merlin?” his tone was still slightly sleepy but curious and two friends separated immediately.

 As Arthur took in her appearance, he got the feeling he should know her and for some reason he knew she looked lot like him, her expressive blue eyes were what drew most of the attention. Although he did not know who she was, the way her eyes narrowed at the sight of him, he knew she recognised him.

“Be nice.” Merlin whispered to her when she stepped forward to meet Arthur.

“I greet you Arthur Pendragon, crown prince of Camelot and son to Lady Ygraine.” Anwen greeted respectfully, Arthur could tell that she was either frequent visitor to some court or lives on one.

“I greet you as well, my lady though I am afraid I do not know your name.” Arthur greeted back courteously.

“I am not surprised you lack the knowledge to recognise me. I am Anwen Averay, daughter of prince Airell and princess Inis of Solascoill.” Anwen introduced herself, noting his surprise with small amount of inward glee.

The Throne of Light (Merlin BBC fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora