Chapter 8

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"Why are you fidgeting?" Merlin asked his friend and prince regent of Camelot as the said man went over his casual, daily attire once again with his fingers.

"I'm not…fidgeting." Arthur muttered, Merlin could not really see what has put him in such mood, seeing as Anwen and Kyna were due to arrive any minute now.

"Is this because of what your uncle said this morning?" Merlin prodded, he did not like the man at all but tolerated his presence because he was apparently back in Camelot after decades long absence to 'help' Arthur now that Uther was indisposed.

Though Anwen promised to return to Camelot, she has been delayed in the fulfilment of that promise by five months because she was sent to aid Solascoill's ally, Listinoise in battle against the ever reappearing Saxon invasion force. Thus, Merlin was forced to watch as Agravaine slowly but surely started to weave his little 'web of trusting advisor' around Arthur and was powerless to stop it.

After everything they have been through, Merlin really wanted to slap Arthur hard on the head for being so naïve although he had to admit Agravaine has been nothing but helpful so far and has done nothing to make Merlin suspicious of him. Well…more than he already was anyway. Hopefully Anwen could knock some sense into the blonde prince since he was not paying any attention to what Merlin was saying.

That being said, Merlin called back the memory of this morning's visit Agravaine paid Arthur in his chambers whilst Merlin was cleaning around.

"What can I do for you uncle?" Arthur asked, still eating his breakfast.

"I wanted to talk to you about Anwen's visit."

"It's more than just a visit uncle. King Galen has extended hand of trust to Camelot and given Anwen permission to reside in Camelot for the foreseeable future and advise me on running this kingdom."

"I just do not believe it is a good time for her to arrive in Camelot so soon after…Morgana's betrayal. Common people might not know who she is but most of the noble court and councillors do. They will not like two witches residing in Camelot." Agravaine elaborated.

"I know you have not spoken to my aunt in a very long time uncle but Anwen is good person, kind princess to her people and woman of her word. She promised not to use magic unless she ends up in direst of situations that will force her to use it. And Kyna has given me her word too. I trust them uncle." Arthur argued back, he could not understand what Agravaine had against his own niece and he noticed the man was on edge ever since Arthur announced Anwen's arrival two weeks ago.

"And I trust you Arthur. I just am not so sure about other council members."

"When they meet my cousin, they will change their minds. I am sure of it. Besides…I think it is time to show people that magic isn't necessary evil."

If Merlin were drinking anything when Arthur said this, he would have probably choked on it. Instead, he just looked at Arthur from where he was cleaning on the floor before quickly averting his gaze. It was unspoken but Merlin knew that Arthur's view on magic has been changing ever since he first met Anwen. But to actually hear Arthur say that out loud was completely different thing entirely. Perhaps he would not have to keep his magic secret for much longer.

"Sire?" Agravaine blinked few times, utterly confused by Arthur's reply.

He was Uther's son, he was supposed to hate magic and everything related to it. This was not fitting into his plans and he knew lady Morgana would not be pleased to hear this as well. Why did his sister's daughter have to meddle into affairs of this kingdom. Wasn't her kingdom enough?

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