Chapter 4

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"We must do this more often." Kyna remarked as she rode beside Anwen through the woods of Camelot, in disguise of course.

Kyna was Anwen's best friend since childhood and they shared many adventures together. One that did not know them would mistake them for sisters seeing as they were that close.

"What? Sneaking around the forests in the kingdoms where magic is banned or at the very least frowned upon?" Anwen smirked a bit.

"No…I meant these quiet rides. I think this is the first time in the long time that we had peace and quiet during our rides. Usually we are interrupted by bandits or worse, revenge bent magic wielders." Kyna remarked.

"Now you jinxed it." Anwen murmured.

"No, I didn't. There isn't a single…" Kyna was cut off from talking further by the sound of swords being released from their sheaths and two men suddenly appeared on the road before them.

They were quite the pair. Both in chainmail, swords at ready. One was very tall, Anwen would guess him to be 6'5'' at least and had good set of muscles on his broad frame. The other one wasn't so short either, around 5'11''. Both of them also had brown eyes and brown hair though that differed in dark and light shades.

"Who are you?" The shorter of the two asked, his baritone was smooth and pleasant.

"Right to the point. Just what I like in men." Anwen smirked a bit. "My name is Anwen and this is Kyna. We are adventurers and we were simply passing through the forest. If you could repay as the curtsey of knowing your names?"

"I am Lancelot, my lady, and this is Percival. And I do not think it is safe for you to be wandering around, especially now."

"And why is that my good sir?"

"You do not know?" He seemed surprised.

"If I did, I would not be asking you." Anwen replied.

"The lady Morgana has betrayed the king and has taken over Camelot."

Anwen was surprised even though she really shouldn't be. She was suspicious of Morgana and told Arthur so when they met three months back but just like Uther, it seemed Arthur was eating right out of her hand.

"What of Prince Arthur?" Kyna asked instead Anwen who was obviously mulling over something in her head.

"He was not in Camelot when the immortal army struck. Why would you like to know? Do you know the prince?"

"Didn't I tell him not to trust her? Idiot!" Anwen cursed.

"I'll take that as a yes." Lancelot said.

"They're related." Kyna shortly supplied.

"Oh…Will you join us in that case? We were on our way to meet the prince and small number of friends that are with him."

"Might as well. Come on." Anwen offered her hand to Lancelot to jump on.


"You are not going to walk when there is perfectly enough space on both horses for you to get on. Come now, time is the essence." Kyna reiterated firmly and seeing the ladies would be stubborn about it; two men sheathed their sword and settled on the horses.

"Where to my good lord?" Anwen asked kindly for direction.

"There is a cave in Darkling Woods that has a concealed entrance and fresh water. That's how Merlin described it anyway."

"Merlin? So you are that Lancelot…I have heard a lot about you." Anwen chuckled.

"Did you now?"

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