Chapter Four

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I woke up and found myself with my wrists and ankles tied down to a table.

"Ah!" I heard. "You're awake!"

I turned my head to see an old man that looked like a modern day Albert Einstein.

"Green!" He exclaimed. "She's up!"


"My name isn't Green," Another man said. "It's Darren."

He emerged from the darkness. I growled and thrashed my arms against the table to break the straps.

"Oh my dear," The old man said. "Those won't break."

Darren stood next to me and stroked his finger down my arm. I growled and shook my arm.

"I'm guessing you want to know why you are here, my dear." The old man started. "Darren here, suspected odd behavior of you. I sent him to get you for me. I would like to run some tests if you don't mind."

"If I don't mind?" I snapped. "I do mind! First tell me what kind of tests!"

"My dear, I won't hurt you." He smiled. "In fact, I'm not even using needles."

How did he know I was afraid of needles?

"They will be a series of tests," He walked over to a large computer. "How you react to fear, how you react to having none of your special abilities, things like that."

I growled and sighed. I was mad that I was actually considering this. It couldn't be that bad.

"Are you thirsty?" He said. "Green! Get her a drink!"

Darren grumbled and grabbed a milkshake from Chickfila sitting on a counter. It was odd for that to be here. The table I was on folded up so I was sitting. I drank some of it from the straw.

Cookies and creme..

I found myself transported to a room that was all white. I wasn't strapped down anymore either. I rubbed my wrists and sat up. I looked to the wall beside me and saw two spiders crawling around. I shivered and backed up. I hit the wall behind me. I saw another spider right next to my arm. Then, there was black everywhere. Tiny little crawling arachnids were everywhere. My heart started pounding. I spun around, trying to stomp as many as I could, but they just kept coming. I remembered, none of this was real. I sat down and let the spiders take over my body. As much as it terrified me, I had to complete this.

"What?" I heard.

I opened my eyes and saw I was back in the dark room.


"What?" I asked.

"How did you do that?"

"I don't know."

The old man sighed. He picked up a small shot glass.

"This is for your next test." He explained and I drank the liquid in it.

I was now back at my apartment. Everything was normal. I walked outside and saw Mark. He smiled at me. I looked in his eyes, but heard nothing.

"Hey," I said. "What're you thinking about?"

"I was just remembering to get a new game on Steam." He answered.

I nodded in response and tapped my shoes together.

"Have you heard of a guy called Markiplier?"

"No, never."

Did I just lie? How?

"Oh," He chuckled. "Okay, I'll see you later."

I waved and went back in my apartment. I started freaking out and tugging on my hair. I don't know what was going on with me. I remembered again.

This isn't real.

And I woke up again.

my only savior ❧ book one ❧ completedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat