Chapter Ten

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I waited outside Mark's door, having knocked already. It took him long enough, but after a few minutes he opened the door. His dark brown hair, wet and almost black. He wore his signature red and black flannel and basketball shorts. Normal hanging out clothes. He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I leaned back and tapped on his nose.

"You've got to earn it." I teased him.

I heard a growl from him after I came inside.

"How do I do that?" He asked.

I felt his strong, muscular arms wrap around me as I set a box down. His breathing brushed against my ear. As did his teeth. I shivered in his arms.

"I-"I stuttered. "I don't know yet."

His arms tightened around my waist. He moved his face down to my neck. I shivered again as I felt his breathing.

"W-Want to watch the movie?" I said.

"Sure." He purred against my neck.

If he didn't earn a kiss by this, I don't know any other way possible. I picked up the Divergent movie case and Mark walked me to the couch. He put the DVD in the machine. I felt his gase, hard on me. He nudged his head against my arm, his slightly wet hair brushing against my skin. I lifted my arm up and he snuggled close to me. I wasn't sure what was up with him today. Maybe he missed me these past few days, maybe had a sudden mood change within these past few hours. His arm slid around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His hand slipped under my shirt and he rubbed his fingers over my skin on my lower back.

"You got into my head yesterday," He mumbled in my shirt.

"Did I?" I asked, brushing my fingers through his hair.

"Yes," He said. "Ken and Dodger got it out of me."

We spent the night watching Divergent, playing games, and just having a fun time. The whole next two weeks were amazing. Mark invited me to go to Cincinnati with him, where he'd tell his fans about me during the live stream. He was incredibly nervous about how they'd react. I was nervous about what his family would think of me.What Wade would think of me. What Bob would think of me. Mark said I was over-thinking it all. He was probably right.

The whole time I've been in LA, I've managed to write a page in my Journal everyday. I wrote about the exciting adventures of 2 hour long traffic jams, seeing random Celebrities on the streets, and meeting Mark.

I constantly miss my Aunt. I whine to Mark almost every day about it. He comforts me when I get homesick. He holds my head close to his chest and brushes his hand through my pixie cut. I listen to his heartbeat, matching in perfectly to whatever song he sings.

As of this moment, we were arriving in Cincinnati. We immediately saw his mom and brother, Tom. Their mom was in tears she was so happy. I followed closely behind him and nervously tugged on his Table Flip shirt. He looked behind me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, Mom." Mark said in a calm, but sweet tone.

He slipped his arm away from me and hugged his mother. Then he gave his brother one of those "bro" hugs. I found myself shaking in nervousness. What if they don't like me? What if I came all the way up here with him, for them to not like me? Mark put his arm back around me and held me close.

"This is Tara," He said. "My girlfriend."

He put emphasis into the word 'girlfriend' and it gave me chills. Because one, there is the chance his family won't accept me, and two, he was still my idol and now calling me his girlfriend.

"Hi sweetheart!" His mom said and reached her arms out.

I gladly hugged her. A spark erupted in my stomach. Maybe she likes me.. I turned to Tom and smiled awkwardly. I felt arms wrap around me.

"She's a little bit nervous today." Mark's voilce echoed.

He kissed my cheek and I felt a blush rise. Lord, help me through this trip.

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