Chapter 3

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~• ƒℓαѕнϐαϲκѕ •~

Itzel's POV

I was walking to my room, whom I share the room with my best friend Tom.

I saw Tom staring at the window with his arms behind his back looking interest and sinister like always.

"What are you thinking, Tom?" I asked curiously

He didn't say anything he just pointed at the window.

That's when I saw two kids laying on the floor.

"New kids, New flesh," Tom said with an evil smirk.

Sometimes I was really afraid of what my friend can do, but he had a soft side, he just doesn't show it, he says it "makes him look weak"

I grabbed my black coat and ran out of the room, worried that they will get sick.

I ran downstairs, but I crashed with Aileen Black.

"I am very sorry, Aileen, I was just going to get my book from the library"
I apologize

She just Smiled

"It's Alright, just be careful where you're going," she said in her smooth voice

I only nodded

She walked away and once she was gone, I started running to the front door.

Which each step I took the familiar faces were running in my head.

There was a girl that had H/L H/C hair wearing a yellow necklace around her neck, while a boy was laying next to her and had curly-ish blonde hair wearing a green ring.

I grabbed the kids by the arm to teleport inside my dorm, but when I touched them I saw what happened and how they got here, but the last part of their memories turned black...

I teleported as quickly as possible to my room.

I sat down in the ground and started checking the two kids if they were Alright.

"Well... That took you too long, Itzel" He looked up from his journal

"Why are you crying?" He asked in a monotone voice

I touched my face only to feel tears coming down my eyes. I wiped my tears with my arm, not trying too look dumb in front of him.

"Nothing happened" I Just Smiled

"Good, now let's torture this kids until they go insane, I really don't want any more idiots in this world" He walked toward the kids ready to attack them, but I stepped in front of the kids to protect them from Tom.

He just frowned from my sudden action

"Itzel. Get. Out. Of. The. Way" He
said in a low voice, trying his best to intimidate me.

"No" I whispered, his eyes were filled with rage and lifted his hand up.

Then he slapped me across my face.

My mind was racing back and forth, trying to control my anger. I got up and looked back at him with anger painting across my face, but this time I morphed into his dead corpse.

He backed away from me with terror in his eyes.

"Tom, you can't just boss everyone, this kids already suffered, They lost their mother in a brutal way and their father has disappeared, If you try to hurt them, you got to take me out first. and you better control your anger issues, cause the next time you raise a hand on me, will be the last time you will see live " I glared at him, walking slowly towards him backing him up the corner.

He was in the corner of the room staring at me with a serious look, but his eyes told a different story. I was really tired of him bossing me around  thinking I was his puppet.

"Fine" He sighs

~~End Of Flashback~~

"Itzel are you alright" a female voice from my side spoke

I turned to the direction of the voice

"I am fine, Y/N, just a little dizzy" I smiled

She smiled back

"So which class are we going to?" She asked

I grabbed my schedule

"It says we don't have classes we have free time, " I informed her

"Oh, I just forgot," she said in a whispering voice

I kinda feel bad for her, poor girl she probably won't know much about her past.

"Here you can have my schedule, I already memorized the classes and the time " I handed her my schedule

"Thank you" She grabbed the schedule and started to read it.

"No problem" I smiled

"Oh and Mrs.Cole talked to me, about rooms, she said that you and your brother can sleep with me and Tom," I said

She smiled.

We walked straight to our room only to see Tom writing in his notebook, And Alexander reading a book.

"You want to hang out in the library?" I asked Y/N

She nodded



Y/N: So what do we do now?

Itzel: I don't know?

Both: *Sighs*

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