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Mother:  mark come downstairs .

Mark : coming mom .i walked downstairs to see my mom smiling and jack frozen in place which was never a good sign .mom , is jack okay .

Mother:  yes and no . the good news is he got accepted and the bad news is he leaves today at noon . your letter came as well .be the best astronaut you can be .

Mark : oh my god i got accepted.  I wasn't phased by the news as much as i wanted to be. I was just shocked in a way that me and my brother are being separated for the first time in eighteen years.

Jack:  so , I'm officially a soldier.

Mark : and I'm going to space . we both leave today .

Jack : yeah uh . i guess .the rest of the time we had was spent in silence packing everything we needed. At the airport mark kept staring out the large window. I put my hand on his shoulder reassuring him .you're still my brother you know that right ,i'd never leave you behind.

Mark : I'm just a bit nervous.  We've never left eachother's side for our entire lives and just all of the sudden we're being torn apart .

Loudspeaker:  flight 1764 is now boarding ..

Jack:  well that's me.  Have fun in space take alot of pictures for me .
Mark : bye jack . See you in a few years .

Jack:  see you in a few years .i boarded the plane and sat next to a kid with blue hair about age 17 . he was shaking like a leaf .first time on a plane ?

Ethan : yes , it's scary .

Jack:  you get use to it after a few trips . when i first came to America i cried and cried ,of course i was just a baby then . god i miss Ireland.  I visited it once when i turned sixteen.

Ethan : was it nice ? I wanted to go there before. We never got a chance.

Jack:  are you going to camp dust canyon as well ?

Ethan:  yes , it's suppose to be the harshest school in Europe. You go to bed at midnight and wake up at three . no coffee or anything like that.

Jack:  I'm a nightowl so i think i should be fine .


Mark : this sucks .i took my sleeping medication and put a blanket over myself to get comfortable.  I hate planes so this is what i do . i fell asleep but woke up halfway through. It was dark outside and half the plane was asleep.  I looked over at the person sitting next to me. He was looking up at the ceiling at least i think he was . he had a pair of sunglasses that covered his eyes .

Sabre : i see you're finally up . my name's el- sabre . my name is sabre . What's yours ?

Mark : I'm mark.  How long is this flight again ?

Sabre: not sure but when i get to NASA i hope i don't get paired with someone who leaves the cap of the peanut butter .

Mark : i just don't want paired with someone who has the windows open in the winter.

Sabre : you know the chances of being paired would be very low but possible.  My last name is woodland as in woodland mansion suck ass to be named after a house .

Mark : mine is fishbach . i hate planes .i spoke when the plane shuddered and my nails dug into the seat .

Sabre:  just a bit of turbulence. I'm going to sleep . wake me up when we're landed.

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