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Engineer : move it! You're out running a storm here ! Fishbach pick it up !

Mark : I'm trying. I slowly picked up speed running around the track passing up callum and sabre and maintaining speed with cry . he looked like he was having trouble breathing i could see him slow down and eventually collapse onto the ground gasping for air .hey cry what's wrong .

Felix : cry where is you inhaler !?

Cry : back..pack ...

Mark : where is his backpack! ?  I frantically ran to the otherside if the track and found the blue pack tucked away next to the wall.

Felix : deep breaths cry . there you go better ?

Cry : asthma sucks dick .

Mark : don't scare us like that .

Engineer : everyone take the day off . you need the rest .


Seargant : cadet sean ! Get moving !

Jack ; yes drill Seargant !! I ran through the rain up the rock wall and down the rope crawl under the barbedwire getting mud in my hair and face .

Seargant:  time ! Cadets mcloughlin'fishbach , welsh , and crank front and center now !

Jack : yes drill Seargant!

Seargant:  if this scenario had been real you'd all be dead by now . ALL THREE OF YOU ARE TO STAY HERE AND DO THE COURSE UNTIL YOUR TIME IS FLAWLESS OR YOU PASSOUT AND DIE !!! Get moving NOW !!

All : yes drill Seargant!

Mark : he's not answering do you think he's asleep ?

Callum : no most likely training. When i went there i trained none stop.

Cry : try calling him later.  He's your brother surely he'll answer .


Ethan : sean let's go !

Jack:  i-i need to catch my breath. I started running again doing the same thing over and over  jumping the wall and crawling through mud . i continued to do this until Ethan pulled me out of the loop by smacking me .

Ethan:  Time to sleep .

Jack : yeah just give me a sec .i climbed onto the brick wall and opened my laptop . mark was calling and i answered .hey mark,  how's NASA?

Mark : its great . i met some new friends . all of us will be in the ISS together.  Did you meet any new people?

Jack : yeah i met this kid name ethan . He's basically a little brother .

Mark : that's nice.  I met this guy called sabre , can you believe how young he is . he just turned sixteen last month . we go into the isolation chamber tomorrow so i won't be able to call. 

Jack: i have to go . but i'll talk to you later . make sure to call mom for me .

Mark : i will . bye sean.

Jack:  see ya mark .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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