ch2 fooky funky nacht

9 1 1

June 25th, 2019
Tyler's PoV

We heard the front door open. Sean grabbed his baguette from behind him as a bat.

"Whom goes there", he said. We laughed. Then we heard giggling.

"Aw man is Jeremy bringing a girl?", I said.

We heard the intruders walk upstairs. "CAWCAW!", Lane said.

"LANE I SWEAR", Sean said.

The door creaked open. "What the hecc are y'all doing in my room?", my brother Brendon said. In came his friends Damien, Jasmine and Darcy. "Can we join?"

Beside me, Cosmo was having an in-body seizure I bet. You see, Cosmo has a crush on Jasmine... and always had...

"Absolutely. Have a slice"

"There's Mary Jane sprinkles on it", Levi said.

"And why...?", Jasmine said, "good pizza and y'all go and put your devil's lettuce on there. Some of us have drug tests"

I looked to the side. "Jasmine... you can have my other slice", Cosmo offered. "No ganja", he smiled.

"Damn your so sweet", she smiled and took the slice. Cosmo was having an inner heart attack I could just feel it beside him. And she plopped down next to him. Oh dear Cosmo...


"Hey... its Pride month. Let's play spin the bottle lmfao"

"And how does that have anything to do with Pride month, Kyle?"

"Because most of us are boys and yanno, because gay"

So we sat down and got in a circle. Levi was stoned on the couch so he was out. Kyle put down the ginger beer bottle. "Beer's for wuss's. Ginger beer's the schnitzel"

"You said something sane for once. Proud", Sean said.

"Just wait till I spin on ya, Sean", and, he spun the bottle.

Spin spin, whir whir, went the bottle. And... what do you know it landed on Sean.

"Aw shoot man you know I'm-", Kyle's lips collapsed onto Seans.

It lasted five seconds. Then Kyle let go. "All I can say homo", he smiled a devilish smile. And he magically flicked the bottle to Jasmine.

"Cos-mo! Cos-mo!", Kyle silently cheered.

"Boi if you don't-", and the bottle............spun on Cosmo. "Oh, well....", Cosmo stuttered. His face was as red as a cherry. He awkwardly coughed and played with his sleeve.


"Cut me some slack, man... it's... my first kiss~", we all gasped.

"Oh come on! I had mine when I was in preschool!", Lane said.

"Guess it wasn't love...", Cosmo said.

Jasmine scooted to Cosmo from across the circle. "It's my first kiss, too...~", Jasmine said. She leaned forward, and held his neck. And she kissed him.

We all clapped and cheered. This boy! "Y-you're good..."

"Wikipedia. I wanted to do it right", she smiled.

We spun a few more...

Sean and Brendon... me and Darcy... she was heccin good, and she kisses girls...Kyle and Damien, which got really wild.

That was about it for the night. Kyle teased Cosmo and Jasmine to do 7 Minutes in Heaven... look it up... but Jasmine just slapped him. If that's the case, Cosmo's got a cougar...

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