Who tf

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I never used to be jealous.
Then I liked you.
Now I'm jealous of just about everyone that you to talk to, smile at, or even wave at.
All because in those seconds when you looked into their eyes,

I wasn't on your mind.



"Long time no see..... Tae Tae."

I kept rubbing tears away from my eyes. I would take a deep breath and keep myself from crying in the middle of the hallway.

"Tae Tae, what happened to you? Are you ok? How have you been? Ive been trying to reach you for the longest time! I spent years looking for you."

Jimin walked up to me slowly and made sure to be cautious. He was being aware of how I felt and I respected that. Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face into my chest.

I missed him so damn much.

I returned the hug and we stayed like that for a few minutes. Jimin was stroking my back and drawing different kinds of shapes. Just like he used to do when we were kids.

I would always run away from my home and into the forest. I found myself in front of that river every single time. I didn't need any directions on how to get there. It's like the river would pull me there.

But whenever I was sad or frustrated, that spot was where I felt safe. And that one day where my mom was hurt from my dad, I ran there. That's where I met my best friend, Park Jimin. We spent every afternoon hanging out at our safe place. But then I had to move. And I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye...

"Wow, look at you. You've grown so tall, Chim. And you got more handsome as well. I bet all the ladies are coming for you!" I giggled and felt his embrace pull back.

Jimin held my hands tightly and flared into my eyes.
"Tae, stop messing with me. What happened when you left. You were gone and....was it that bastard of a dad?!" Jimins grip tightened as seconds ticked by. I pulled my hand out of his grasp and cupped his cheeks, making his face pouty.

"Jimin, my father is gone. He.....passed. And my mother died from cancer a few years ago. And for sis.....she got sick. But like I told you, our family could never afford anything to help with their treatments." I faked a smile as I looked to the side. I had to lie to him. I couldn't tell him that my father killed sis, and then when I found out....I killed him.

Jimin would never forgive me.

"Hey," jimin put his hands on mine as they were still caressing his cheeks, "I feel like that isn't the whole truth, but I understand your situation. So I'm not going to bombard you with questions. You can tell me when you're ready. After all, we just reunited! So I understand if you don't trust me as much as you used to. But I'm still here to talk, always!"

I smiled softly, touched by Jimins kind words.

"Thank you Chim. And don't worry about me. I have my situation under control."

Jimin looked at me with concern crossing his face.
"Hey, that reminds me. You have no guardians, so where do you live?"


"Oh, I actually got really close with a person who lived on my street earlier this month. They're my age, sorta. But close! And we go to the same school. He let me stay with him. He's been so kind to me. He lent me a room in his house as well as letting me borrow clothes until I got more of my own. He also cooked for me and let me vent."

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