Jordan Strider

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Name: Jordan Strider

Age: 16

Height: 5'3

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Sexuality: Pansexual

House: Hufflepuff

Personality: Despite being a Hufflepuff, whose house it known for kindness and loving everyone, Jordan is insanely snarky and sarcastic. He's called the "Sass Master" Hufflepuff, because he has a comeback for everything and he lives with a smirk most of the time. However, he is still kind to most everyone. But, if you cross him or one of his friends, he will not hesitate to come murder you. Rumor has it that he has a hit list. He is a pretty big movie and book nerd though.

Looks: He is pale, and also going through his female to male transition. Usually his hair is a mess because he's too lazy to brush it. He also has dimples and a cute freckle under his left eye.

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Eye Color: Light blue with a ring of amber around the pupil and flecks of amber in it

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Eye Color: Light blue with a ring of amber around the pupil and flecks of amber in it.

Wand: 11.5", Red Cedar, Unicorn hair

Patronus: A Wolf

Love Interest: Luna Lovegood

Occupation: Student. Same year as Luna and Ginny, who he is close friends with. But when he grows up, he wants to study magical creatures, mainly dragons.

Other: Jordan has a pet Norwegian Forest Cat named Aragorn. He also loves to eat a lot, so he usually has a stash of snacks under his bed and always has food in his bag. Also, if anyone ever makes fun of him for being transgender, he will start to throw hands with them. Or if they call him short he will kill them. He also has an older sister named Chloe who graduated.

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