Astrid Hargreeves II

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Name: Astrid Hargreeves
Number: Number Eight (8) "The Streak"
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Place of Birth: Tromsø, Norway

Height: 5'8"
Appearance: Astrid is average looking but also rather pretty. Her skin is rather pale and she does have some acne and acne scars. She has one dimple on the left side of her lips and two tiny freckles next to it so when she smiles it looks like a sad face. Her hair is short (goes to about her shoulders) and is a dirty blond and slightly wavy. Astrid's eyes are icy blue but not too pale so as they don't look white. Her body is slightly athletic but has a little bit of fat. Her legs are long, so that gives her most of her height.

Appearance when Using Powers: She doesn't change when she uses her powers, usually

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Appearance when Using Powers: She doesn't change when she uses her powers, usually. However, if she is using her powers very intensely, her body has small arcs of red and yellow lightning. Sometimes, even, there is red lightning reflecting in her blue eyes. No one really knows the exact reason why.

Power: Speed. Her power is a lot like the Flash in DC Comics. Sometimes, if she's going very fast, she can make lighting and throw it. Also, though it's never happened, Astrid can supposedly time travel if she goes fast enough. It's only happened twice, but Astrid can also stop time for a short while. But she cannot do it on command and it also saps a lot of her energy.
Weaknesses: Astrid has to be very high energy to do well, and usually she does. But if she's feeling tired or sluggish, she cannot go as fast for as long.
Strengths: As said before, her energy level depends on how well she can use her powers. If she is in a good mood or has a lot of energy, she can use her powers well.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good. Astrid has a good heart but tends to do what she wants because of her free spirit.
Good or Evil: Good, though she is sometimes low key evil because she is a jokester and prankster.

Personality: Astrid is a very free spirit and very fun to be around. She doesn't take any crap from anyone and does almost whatever she wants. Though she is a good person at heart, however. Astrid is a big prankster and very funny in a random way. She's also smart any artistic and gets along well with most people. However, she can get angry easily and she is very hot-headed and competitive.

Backstory: Astrid was born in Tromsø, Norway to a young Norwegian mother. Her mother did not want Astrid, as she had just gotten out of school and was not ready for kids. Not to mention she had shown no signs of pregnancy and was being accused of witchcraft by some. Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopted her along with the rest of the Umbrella Academy. So Astrid grew up with them. Being Number Eight, she somehow grew close with Vanya, Ben, and Klaus. She grew close with Klaus because they were both trouble makers. She grew close with Ben because he hung out with Klaus all the time. And Astrid grew close with Vanya because she actually treated her like a normal human being with valid thoughts and opinions. When the Academy broke up, Astrid went straight into school to study in order to become a marine biologist and study animals, mostly sharks.

Likes: •Drawing •Freedom •Rain •Reading •Having Fun •Pranking People •Helping People •Listening to Music •Martial Arts •Karate •The Quiet (sometimes) •Ghost Hunting/Going to Haunted Places

Other: When Astrid was young, she was sent to a karate academy because she had to learn how to defend herself. She went to learn Machida Karate and got a couple of black belts in it. She liked it a lot and still practices often. She's also been to a lot of haunted places and loves going. She's kind of a skeptic.

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