A:TLA Fire Nation OC

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Name: Ashe Shinzo

Gender: Female

Age: 16 and a half

Hair color: Black. It looks brown in the sunlight sometimes, though.

Eye color: Amber

Hair: Long black hair with feathered bangs. When she's in battle, she ties it in a low pony tail or bun with a band, but otherwise it's loose and falling down her shoulders.

Bender: Yep

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Bender: Yep

Element: Fire

Personality: She tries her best to be calm and collected like Iroh, but she does tend to have outbursts when she's angry or frustrated. She tries not to judge people she first meets, and comes off as friendly. She's loyal and holds grudges easily if you've wronged her, her friends, or her family.

Clothes: (Minus the crown and all of the gold. The gold is replaced with an orange-brown color)

Sub-Elements: Lightning Redirection and Lightning Generation (she's generated lightening one time and hurt someone badly, so she vowed to never do it again)

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Sub-Elements: Lightning Redirection and Lightning Generation (she's generated lightening one time and hurt someone badly, so she vowed to never do it again)

Good/Evil/Neutral: Like Zuko, she was evil in beginning because she was going after the Gaang, but became good after she joined them

Backstory: She was one of Zuko's closest friends when they were younger. It was rare for the prince to have friends, but her father was a general and her mother was a noblewoman. But since Ashe was closer to Zuko's age, they spent a lot of time together. She brought out a fun and carefree side of him when they were children, but as they became teenagers, they didn't play as much. But they did hang out and practice fire bending together. When Zuko was banished, Ashe snuck out to go with him and his uncle. She came on board and decided to help Zuko find the Avatar.

Birth Place: Capital Island

Random Fact: She has an incredible fascination with the stars and constellations. Also, not only is she Zuko's best friend, she harbors a huge crush on him.

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