Skye Tyche

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Name: Skye Tyche

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Year: Sixth

Blood-status: Half-blood

Looks: She's a little short, maybe 5'5" and had pretty fair skin, though she tans in the summer. She has a beauty mark under the corner of her left eye and she has dimples as well. Her eyes are hazel but look green in a certain light.


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Personality: Skye is a very pleasant girl to be around

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Personality: Skye is a very pleasant girl to be around. She's kind and sweet and incredibly helpful. She's funny, too, and gives some of the best advice around.

Though she comes off as sweet and innocent, she really isn't once you get to know her. She has at least once curse word in every sentence and she's incredibly protective of her friends and family. She's willing to throw hands with people she has beef with and she has gotten into a few physical fights before.

She's pretty hotheaded and impulsive, so she makes bad decisions sometimes. She's also really helpful and will help people with homework or study. She even has a little money-making gig where she does people's homework for a few galleons.

Strengths: Charms, DADA, Working with others, Dancing, Skateboarding

Weaknesses: She gets emotionally attached to lost of things (animals, people, even objects) and if they get hurt she gets upset. She also has a fear of heights and snakes

House: Hufflepuff

Family: Amy Tyche (Mother, Witch, Ravenclaw), Jeff Tyche (Father, Muggle), Sarah Robinson (Sister, Witch, Ravenclaw), Emily Meyer (Sister, Witch, Hufflepuff)

Crush: Draco Malfoy

History: There's not much of a backstory for her. She was born in Northern Ireland, but her family moved to Bristol when she was little, so she doesn't have much recollection of that area. But she does have an Irish accent. She grew up believing in magic since her mother was a witch and her two older sisters went to Hogwarts. So she was excited to learn that she too was a witch and she got excited to be sorted into Hufflepuff the same as her older sister.

Extra: She owns a pet Tawny Owl named Ares that's been in her family for a while but grew particularly fond of her. She can also skateboard really well.

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