A Quiet day

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Birds of blue, reds, and whites chirped outside, their beautiful songs captured the attention of the one and only

Black hat.

The demonic man grumbled as the birds continued, their sweet voices conflicting with his dark mind. He hated their sound, but they were the only things keeping his room from being completely slient, which was rare.

Other then closing the window, he slightly enjoyed the birds company as he though, because deep thoughts plaged his mind at this time of day.

He teared at his desk, and tapped his foot on the red carpet beneath him, as he continued to think, about a certain someone.

Dr. Flug

But he had a reason to think about him, it was about how he has been...acting lately, it was unnatural for someone like Flug, well unnatural to the way he usually acted.

For one his scientist had stopped the stuttering that sounded like music to Blackhats ears once he heard it, even when he shouted or picked the man by the collar, not a single word would had been stuttered, he was a scared to admit but he missed his stutters, as they were...adorable. It was almost as it Flug had gotten a sudden boost of confidence, but how many that be possible with himself now being even tougher on the scientist.

On the other side, he was making inventions even greater then just a ray gun, which of course was great! But still weird to Blackhat. He wasn't going to lie to himself, but he loved the ray guns, not what all of then could do but because of how easily they could be used, but now the newer inventions had multiple steps, which kept Blackhat on his toes as he followed each step Flug gave him. He actually had to listen not because of fear of one exploding in his poor face.

But there was one thing...one thing he'd always keep in his memory, which till this day he had never asked his scientist...

It was months ago, 3 to be exact. When he had ran into the Lab while taking a stroll around the dark halls of his mansion.

Light as bright as the sun came from the room, and a voice could be heard, the voice of his scientist, but who the hell was he talking to? So out of curiosity Blackhat had stuck his head outside the door way, and listened as Flug spoke...

"Yes of course...my plan is almost ready...we should be able to set it off in a few weeks..." Flug said calmly, almost in a sadistic like tone, as he stared at the person who was hiding in the shadows, blabbering their mouth around as they spoke of plans...

Blackhat at that time has noticed Flug wasn't wearing his paper bag...and had taken a quick look at his face since he had the chance.

He made out light, dusty, blonde hair, slightly long, his skin was exactly as he had imagined, but not the side of his face he could watch...it was burnt, completely, he didn't even see another eye once he got a better angle from Flug moving over to the front, all Blackhat could wonder was 'what the hell happened to him...' as he continued to watch the doctor move his hands about, with a semi sinister smirk on his face.

"Great...I'll see you in a few months..-" Flug had left the call with the other person, and of course which is when he noticed Blackhat at the door way, staring directly at him. He grabbed his paper bag and forced it onto his head, while he moved his hand reaching out for something.

"Flug! What is the meaning of-" Blackhat had hissed before suddenly getting shot in the head by a ray Flug had been holding, and then it all changed to black, with himself waking up in bed as if nothing happened...

All that Blackhat knew

Was that he needed Answers.

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