Pure Confusion

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Black had continued to stare at Flug, this seemed unbelievable to him! Flug had also seemed to be wearing a proper scientists outfit, from the tie and button up shirt, to the black long pants and shiny, obsidian colored shoes. Where had he gotten this? Because he was sure that the money the he payed him could never afford such formal clothing.

Flug took a moment to clear his throat before writing a small note on his clip board, he had been told to always check if Blackhat is awake before entering the cell room. Guest this time he forgot. A small sigh came from his mouth as he looks back up at Blackhat, starring down at him with no emotion in his eyes.

"So, you must be wondering why the hell you're here..."

Blackhat stayed silent, he didn't feel like talking at this moment as he was still trying to process everything that had happened the last 10 minutes or so.

Flug sighed again before he put the clip board and pen down onto the table, and entered Blackhats cell with ease. He didn't even have to open the field with some stupid 4 number code, he just phased right though it. Blackhat looked surprised of course and then wondered if he could do that but he came to the realization that he was the prisoner and would get electrocuted if he even touched that.

"I might as well tell you. As a way to escape you I decided to start working with Hero's for about a year now, and must I say it was much better then working with the likes of you. And exchange of saving me from you, they wanted me to capture you. Which was very easy, one hit from my coma ray and you were fast asleep" Flug grew a horrible smirk on his face as he stared down at Blackhat, but it couldn't be seen.

"And now I have been assigned to "take care" of you, as well as finding a way to exterminate you, once and for a l l" Flug let out a small giggle, which turn into a crazied chuckle, the finally into a maniacal laugh which sent shivers down Black Hats spine.

Black Hat felt...Scared for the first time in his life, he didn't understand why. WHY was he so scared of a tiny, helpless, and weak scientist from what he knew Flug as.

"Flug..." Black Hat quietly mumbled under his breath which made Flug turn his attention from laughing, to the demon that had tormented him.

"What is it DEMON?" those very words made Black Hat fell as he had been stabbed, over and over. He had no idea why the words hurt so much, why did he even care what Flug had though of him as. Just a Demon.

"There's close to no way of killing me! You should know this!" Blackhat growled at his former scientists, who seemed to show no care for what Blackhat had said.

"I really don't care if there isn't..there's always ONE way, but I know you wouldn't tell me." Flug responded his face showing nothing. But the truth was that Flug, hoped there would be no way to kill Blackhat. Well yes he hated him and wanted revenge for what he had done to him. But there was still a small part of him that remembered all the somewhat nice things Blackhat had done for him.

He had given him breaks if it was needed for him to life, or just breaks in general if he saw Flug looking more tired then usual, he wouldn't want to over work him after all. Even sometimes Blackhat would show a bit of kindness to Flug, always leaving him speechless, like that one time that he made dinner for Flug himself because of how hard he had worked in that week, or the other when he had gotten him a new pair of clothing, and offered to wash the ones he already wore, but he declined.

The though of killing Blackhat after his few acts of kindness seemed a bit blurry for him after he remembered them all, on one side he wanted to kill him to take revenge on everything that he had done to him, but on the other hand, he wanted to see if maybe there was a chance for a friendship...? Maybe more?- ok let's not think ahead...haha.

"...I'll be back..." Flug echoed before walking towards to door, each step louder then before.

Blackhat stayed silent

As he was alone again.

((Ahhh! Sorry you guys had to wait so long! I'm just kinda not into the villainous fandom anymore, but seeing as how popular this has gotten I'll try my best to stay motivated and continue it!))

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