Weird Awakening

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Blackhat had felt himself wake up, he was fully conscience but his eyes were shut tight, only his ears and other senses were giving him a possible vision go imagine what it looked like on the outside.

He knew he wasn't in his manor anymore, the floor was cold and felt hard, much harder then the normal flooring at the manor.

His next clue was how quiet it was, deathly quiet. As if nobody was around to help him or not even anyone around, as if he were all alone, which he was.

He felt his coat not on his shoulders anymore leaving him feeling cold, somehow. It was very rare that a demon could even feel cold, as they were born in the place the opposite of cold.

With all of this added up together, he concluded that he must be somewhere else...but where the hell was he! Blackhat was still trying to open his eyes, but they only had just started to open slowly, what had he gotten hit by that made it so hard to awake?

Not long after his eyes were open enough he could see, and what was before his eyes surprised him. He seemed to be in a cell, one with a electric force field? That was his guess because of the sparks coming from if.

His hands were cuffed tightly making it almost impossible to move his hands, it felt VERY uncomfortable, he hated it.

He though of a way he could get out of them- ah of course! He has enough strength to break these useless cuffs! But once he tried it seemed as all his strength was gone.

This was a surprised, but then he though of possible shape shifting out of this. He tried that solution but it went no where, leaving him also to suspect that his powers were gone as well.

Blackhat felt sweat dropping down his cheek, he felt so powerless...he couldn't do anything, he was useless...was this what Flug had felt like? Everytime Blackhat had hit him, insulted him, humiliated him. Flug must have felt powerless and useless, just like he was right now.

Then suddenly, the sound of a door creaking could be heard, and someone entered.

They seemed to be holding a clip board, Blackhat hadn't been able the see their face because of how he was staring directly down at it.

He seemed to be mumbling, but some words Blackhat was able to make out as he paced around the room.

"The effects of the Coma Ray have been reversed...check."

"Powers have been temporarily shut down...check."

"Is the subject awake?-" the person then lifted his head, revealing...he was Flug.

Blackhat eyes had now fully decided to open, as he now stared at his former scientists trying to get a good look at his features.

There again was his dusty, messy, but still quite fluffy blonde hair, his eyes were a dark green with a tint of light green hidden inside, but the most standing feature was the burn on the right side of his face, what ever it was it seemed to have taken his right eye along with it, this just made Blackhat more curious about his doctor.

Flug flinched once he saw Blackhat awake, reaching for a paperbag set down on a desk close by to the prison Blackhat was helpless in, he forced it on and sighed looking back at his clipboard.


((Hehe ending if on kinda of a clip hanger, idk how many parts this will have so yeah, anyways hope you all enjoyed this chapter aswell, here's a quick drawing of Flug without his bag a made a week ago.))

((It's not what he's actually wearing the in story, but I'm to tired to draw anything rn, ALSO THANKS FOR 48 READS! I hope more people will get interested in this fanfiction soon

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((It's not what he's actually wearing the in story, but I'm to tired to draw anything rn, ALSO THANKS FOR 48 READS! I hope more people will get interested in this fanfiction soon. so yeah see ya next chapter))

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