Answers are needed

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Blackhat stood up, trying to figure out where he would look first to find any answer to how Flug was acting, as because of the memories of that night, he KNEW there was something up, he Also knew that Flug would never spit it out no matter how hard he'd try, he'd end up killing the poor doctor if that happened.

Then he figured it out. He remembered a book, a book that was magical and stored in this city's library, it was a book that had recorded every super hero, and villain in it, and everytime a small change even happened to a hero, like a change of sides or retirement, the book would be on it as soon as you could say peanut butter. THAT book was his answer.

He quickly got his coat back on as he opened his doors, walking out of his dark room, as he liked it. Locking them behind him he walked to the kitchen, where he had suspected everyone to be in, consider it was still morning.

He seemed to have luck by his side today, as he saw Demenica, 505, and even Flug all sitting at the table. Their eyes darted over at the new guest to the table as he cleared his throat.

"I going out today, no questions asked,'re in charge while I'm gone, don't fuck up." He glared at him while Flug responded with a nod, not even a 'yes sir', which had slightly ticked off Blackhat as he wanted to at least hear his voice so it seemed less rude.

He mumbled as he stepped out of the normally cold kitchen, and headed towards the door, which he opened and closed behind him.

Flugs POV

I sighed in relief as Blackhat had left, because it just gave me more time to work this all out. I excused myself from the table earlier then I normally did, leaving 505 to eat my unfinished marshmallow cereal, I had to deal with the sugary taste since they were all that 505 and Demenica bought every once and a while they headed for the store.

Walking down to my lab, I opened it with a smirk under my bag, that felt like a weight holding me down on my head, it was a relief to finally take it off once I had locked my doors and sat in my chair, which I took a few spins in.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair, which i never brushed, I though it would be a waste of time, same for showers, only thing I did to keep himself smelling fresh was a quick wash of my hair in the sink.

"Wow! He actually put me in charge... weird, anyways where was I..." I said to myself as I pulled my chair closer to the desk I always used to make my inventions on, that won't be for long now...

"But I wonder, where is he going...?" I questioned, figuring I should perhaps follow Blackhat to where ever he's going...just in case the behaviour I've shown has got him questioning.

So I quickly put my paperbag back on, and ran out the front door, closing it behind me, I hoped that Demenica and 505 wouldn't notice my absence, and caught up with my boss, luckly he hadn't gone to far, but I kept my distance.

Now I just had to follow and wait.

Blackhat's POV

I could see the people in the streets, stare at me as I walked down the sidewalk, annoying I can say as I wasn't looking for the attention, maybe I should have shape shifted into a disguise because I had left...but no because then if have to find normal human clothing to wear.

After a few minutes I had reached the library where I was going to look for answers, but I swore someone was following me...I could feel it, hear them, but each time I had turned to check no one was there, so I just took it as the wind.

I entered the library closing the door behind me as I started to walk around the old place, searching for the famous book, I even got so desperate that I asked the librarian to lead me to where the book is. With a bit of force I got him to take me to the book, and snatched it off the pedestal it sat on. Putting it down on a table and vigorously searching through page after page.

Then, I found him.

Dr Flug Sly.

Everything seemed normal as I kept reading the small page for the boy, till I saw something I never though I would.

He was listed as a Hero...

(Hello guys! So yeah I've started a new one lol, I should have done this chapter 1 but I forgot, anyways I hope you enjoy this fanfic and are ready for the next part.)

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