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Ray's eyes opened to a scene of tranquil horror.

It was if he was trapped in a movie scene, watching the occurring events with no way to truly get through to her.

The scene opened back in the Gracefield House, where Emma and Norman were walking down a hallway. Or rather, Norman was leading Emma down the hallway. As they reached Emma's room, Ray spotted the familiar glint of a knife as Norman flashed a sinister grin right at him, putting a finger to his lips as if to say "Shh..."

"No.. Emma, NO!"

Ray tried to call out to Emma, to warn her, but it was no use.

The door shut behind the pair, and when Ray heard a bloodcurdling scream that was muffled by the door, he couldn't help but cringe as tears pooled in his stone-colored eyes.

The door opened to reveal Ray's deepest fear.

There was Emma, laying on the floor in a pool of blood. She wasn't dead yet, though she was pushing out her last breaths.

"I-I'm sorry, Ray..."

Emma's mouth formed into a pained smile as her entire body went limp.

"N-No... NO!!!"

Ray's face was quickly staining with tears as he sobbed loudly, putting his hands over his ears.

Ray awoke with a start, his body already stained with a cold sweat as his heart heavily thumped in his chest. He turned to his right to see Emma sleeping peacefully, much to his relief.

"Nightmares again..." He muttered to himself.

Not caring if he woke her up, Ray wrapped his arms around Emma, too scared to let go, and too scared to fall back asleep. She groggily opened her eyes to see him clinging onto her much like a starfish would.

"R-Ray...?" Emma whispered. "What's wrong?" She asked with a solemn frown as she sat up.

Ray sat up as well, shaking his head as he turned away from her. "I-It's nothing." He lied, hoping she wouldn't notice it.

Much to Ray's dismay, Emma instantly detected his lie.

"This isn't like you..." She said solemnly.

Ray sighed. "None of your business, Emma." He blushed.

Emma pouted. "But it is my business, Ray! I thought friends told each other everything!"

Ray stayed quiet, unsure what to say.

"It was the nightmares again, wasn't it?"

Ray froze in his tracks. "How'd you know?"

Emma chuckled. "Every time you have a bad dream, you snuggle up against me like this. You think I didn't notice it before?"

She didn't need to have a lamp to tell that Ray was embarrassed.

He sighed softly. "Fine. Yes, I had another nightmare. But the reason I've been having them is a bit... complicated."

Emma appeared confused. "Why is that?"

Ray stayed silent, his gaze never leaving Emma's. His hands balled up into fists unconsciously.

"It's because I've been jealous, okay?" He grumbled under his breath.

Emma tilted her head. "Jealous? Of what?"

Ray didn't want to explain it at all. He didn't want Emma to think less of him because he had a stupid jealousy over Norman having a crush on her first. But still, he could not resist those pleading emerald eyes that drew him in like a naive sailor to a siren's song.

He sighed. "I've been jealous of Norman.. He's had a crush on you since the beginning, Emma. And I.... I just now figured it out... That I have a crush on you, too."

Emma's eyes widened as her cheeks reddened, and she was unsure of what to say in response. She was taken aback by what Ray had just confessed to her.

"D-Do you... really mean it? That you like me in that way?"

Ray's angered expression softened, and a warm smile tugged at his lips. "Of course I do. Everything about you just... entrances me. I love you, Emma."

And the truth finally came out.

Emma smirked. "In that case..."

Ray's heart began beating rapidly in his chest as he felt Emma's lips slam into his own. Compared to his own lips, Emma's were smoother, and also had a slight hint of a cherry taste to them. As she pulled away, Ray placed a finger on his now tingling lips, now unsure of what to say after that.


He mentally slapped himself.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Is that all you can say after that!?

Ray ignored his screaming thoughts as he smiled at Emma.

"Kissing you is so amazing..." Emma said with a soft smile.

Ray smirked. If he had to admit it, he felt the same way. He wanted to kiss her again and again, and keep on kissing her until he couldn't kiss her any longer. In fact, he gently grabbed onto Emma's shoulders and leaned in, making the gap smaller and smaller until finally, he closed it as their lips melded into one.

Emma kissed Ray back, eager to keep on doing it. His lips almost tasted like honey, and she loved it. 

Eventually, the pair had to pull away, leaving Emma nearly breathless as she looked up at Ray, the one who had been her best friend since they were in diapers, the one who had teased her since day one, the one who was always there to bring her back down to earth when she'd gotten lost in the clouds...

And the one who had just taken her breath away with a single kiss.

The black-haired teen lay back down on the bed, pulling Emma down with him.

"Please hold onto me as we go back to sleep..." He mumbled sleepily.

Emma nodded, refusing to let go of him. "Okay..."

As the pair of teens were just about to fall asleep once again, Ray spoke up.

"Hey, Emma?"

Emma's head perked up.

"Hm? What is it?"

Ray buried his face in Emma's shoulder as he nuzzled into her. "I love youuuu." He murmured.

Without hesitating, Emma smiled softly as her eyes closed.

"I love you too, Ray."

The night was finally peaceful as the two teens silently dreamt of each other.

"It's Alright, Emma." RayEmma OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now