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"Jeez, Emma... You're so clumsy..."

Emma pouted as Ray wrapped her ankle in a bandage, and her cheeks reddened as she felt the embarrassment hit her like a ton of bricks. The black-haired boy scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"You're always tripping over stuff, Emma." Ray scolded. "You need to be more careful, okay?"

Emma nodded, sighing softly. "It's not like I do it on purpose, ya know." She said in a hushed tone, crossing her arms.

A fluttery, warm sensation overtook Ray's heart, a feeling that he wasn't quite used to. He had felt this way multiple times in the past, though it was peculiar how it only happened around his best friend Emma. He couldn't quite put his finger on the feeling, and made a mental note to read more on the subject later on.

As Ray's grey eyes met Emma's green ones, he couldn't help but flash her his signature grin. Only now, he was the one blushing.

"I know, Emma. I know." He said, matching Emma's hushed tone as he brushed a piece of hair out of the girl's face.

Silence completely filled the room as the pair said nothing, Neither of them chose to look away, as Ray and Emma shared a moment of wordless contentment.

"You know, there's a reason I'm so overprotective of you.." Ray murmured, breaking his gaze with Emma as he looked down at the floor.

Emma's eyes widened. 'Could he be feeling the exact way as me?' She thought to herself.

"Oh? And why is that?"

Ray paused for a moment, contemplating on how he should tell Emma the way he'd been feeling about her. About how much his thoughts were consumed by her smile, her laugh, just everything about her filled him with this warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest.

"Because... I can't bear to live without you..."

Those words filled Emma with a sense of clarity.

"R-Really?" She asked him.

Ray nodded, flashing Emma a nervous grin.

"Heh. Ya know, when we met, I never once thought for a second that I'd be falling for you quite this hard..." His cheeks were reddening by the second.

Emma smiled, warm and genuine as her chest was overcome by that warm and fuzzy feeling that she had defined as love.

"I've been falling for you the whole time, Ray. Why do you think I'm so clumsy all the time?"

Ray's eyes widened. "What?"

Emma nodded. "The reason I've been tripping over stuff a lot recently is because I've been spacing out, thinking of you.." Her fingertips brushed against Ray's.

Ray hadn't expected this at all. In fact, he'd been expecting Emma to reject her after he spilled his true feelings. But she didn't. And he was beyond happy to know that he was wrong, for once.

Emma felt her hand being grabbed by something, and that fuzzy feeling filled her chest again when she realized that Ray was now holding her hand.

"Without you, nothing would be the same. My heart would be filled with misery and agony, and there would be no joy in life..." He teared up. "But with you, Emma... I feel whole. I'm complete. There's no misery, no sadness..."

Ray smiled, for once it wasn't the wicked grin he usually wore. No, this smile was warm and genuine.

"Just love."

Without saying a word, Ray planted a kiss on the scar that graced Emma's forehead. The girl gasped softly, not expecting it.

Ray remembered the cause of that scar all too clearly. It was when they were younger, when Norman was still around. They were playing tag, and Emma had tripped over a tree root and fell on her face. No one knew for sure what had actually cut her, but she was bleeding when she sat up.

Ray chuckled quietly at the memory. Emma looked up at him, confused as to why he'd done what he just did.

"Why did you do that?" She asked.

Ray grinned. "'Cause I wanted to."

A playful smile tugged at Emma's lips. "I love youuuuuu."

Ray chuckled.

"I love you too, idiot."

"It's Alright, Emma." RayEmma OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant