Part 2

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Back over to the deal that Logan offered to Patton

Loagn: So will you do it? Or can I continue with what am doing?

Virgil: P-patton please! d-don't do it!  DON'T DO IT!!!

Even though Virgil didn't want him to do it and he didn't either...This is the only way to help Virgil because Patton knew he couldn't take Logan on even if he wanted to and it was to late to get the others....So he had to do it so Virgil can be safe so he can be free from this abusive relationship that Logan is putting him through...


Patton: I-I'll do it....

Virgil: P-Patton no!...

Logan: Oh poor Virgil he must of fantied from all the pain...hehehahaHAHAHA COME HERE PATTON!!!

As Logan said that, He then walked over and grabbed Patton's arm to continue were Logan left of with Virgil

Patton: A-AHhHhHHHhH

And That's all that Patton could hear was his own screams...But at least Virgil was free from this pain....And Patton was happy about that it made him smile...But that was a big mistake by him...He will find that out very soon


Patton: N-no! WAIT

Logan: Oh I'll make you TRULY SORRY!!!


Logan(whispers): Lets go to my bed...for some playtime Heheheheheh

Patton(whispers in pain):
P-Please n-no!...

That night Logan did things to Patton and made Patton feel thing that he will always remember and Patton started to Fear Logan more and more he didn't like this playtime..Not at all....And Patton didn't want to play this game at all....But at least Virgil was safe....

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