Part 6

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Logan: Good morning Patton~

Patton: G-good morning

Patton Then looked around the room to see that Virgil was gone...Patton was starting to worry


Logan slapped his hand over Patton's mouth so he won't alert the others about there....playtime...

Logan(Whispers): Shut the hell up! or I'll have to punish you for it! You got it?

Patton then nodded to Logan and so Logan let go of Patton's mouth to let him speak again

Patton: So what did you do with Virgil?

Logan: Well I gave him his happy ending...

Patton: H-happy ending?

Logan: Yes since you agreed to take his place I gave him a happy ending in your place, And how did I do that? Well I gave him a memory loss potion and so he completely forgotten about me and him being in a relationship and all are...playtime...But I don't need him anymore....Now I have you Patton! dear sweet Patton~

Logan walked over to Patton and started petting his head like you would a pet...

Patton: So he is safe now right?

Logan: Yes he is off loving his new boyfriend Roman and actually right now there on a little date with each other and so I have you all to myself~

Patton: That's good at least he's safe...and is happy with Roman

Patton then gave himself a small smile to himself glad that his Son is much happier now

Logan: Patton...

Patton: H-hmm yes Logan?

Logan: If you want your dear "Son" to stay happy like must become my boyfriend and LOVE ME FOREVERMORE! And you Must keep quiet about our little games we play together alright?...What do you say...Patton?

Patton: ......Ok I promise

Logan: Good...hehehehahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Logan: Hahaheheh....Now let's play my favorite game~

And so Patton went through the most terrible 60 minutes of Logan's little game....Patton hated this game...But it was for Virgil for him to be happy again...

Logan(Whispers): Say you love me and call me Master!...Say it!

Patton: I-I lOve yoU

As he said that Logan keep doing and doing him making him say it over and over again crying and begging him to stop there little game...

Logan: Good Little Boy~

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