Part 8

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Patton woke up and look over at the was 5:33AM which wasn't surprising he usually did wake up around this time but it felt different

Maybe it was because he was right next to Logan..but he loved Logan right? without a second thought Patton was going to get up


Logan at that moment grabbed Patton's arm and pulled him back

Logan: What do you think your doing!?

Patton: O-oh Logan! I was just going to g-get ready...


At this moment Patton was petrified, Logan was screaming at this point and Patton didn't know why I mean all he did was get up...

Patton: W-what d-did I do..?

Logan(Whispers): Why you little-


This was exactly like when an adult got mad at their child and how fear build up inside them as they try to run away from there fate...but in the end you can never escape from it no matter how hard you try it will always find you...

But as well two others were sleeping unaware of what today will bring them

As Virgil and Roman were in bed  peacefully sleeping until Virgil woke up at the sound of a scream because Virgil is a light sleeper..

But then he heard yelling again...and lot's of it coming from Logan's room and out of worrie he woke up Roman

Roman: what, what is it Virgil?

Virgil: I-I think I heard screaming coming from Logan's room we need to see if he's ok or even if Patton's ok!!

Roman at that point got up and grabbed Virgil's hand and they both ran out of the room and went to check it out

But they also didn't want the possible threat knowing they were there so they quietly went to Logan's door and opened it just a little bit for the both of them to see what's happening

And what they made them sick....Logan was the threat...

Roman(whispers): I-I think am going to be sick!

Virgil(whispers): Get a hold of yourself...! We need to save Patton! 

Roman(whispers): Y-yes of course

And with that they both ran into the room As Logan turned around and saw them both come in just as he was going to  finished....finished what he was doing... But very much still pissed..

Logan: What the hell do you two think your doing?!

Virgil: What the HELL do you think your doing to PATTON?!

Roman: Yeah leave him alone!

Logan: Villain? Oh Roman...That wasn't VERY NICE!

Roman: W-what!?

And with that Logan ran up to Roman and gave him a punch and nocked him to the floor as Virgil ran over to Logan as he was trying to fight back

Logan: Oh please don't flatter yourself. Why do you think YOU can take me on!?
I mean I was expecting Roman to put up a fight but you? Hah! Don't make me laugh!

Virgil: Oh I know I can't take you on, But it was only to distract you!

Logan: you can be serious!?

Roman: Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead!

Logan: W-what the Hell!?

And with that Roman crawled over to Patton who was on the verge of passing out but wasn't ever able to..

Patton(whispers): R-Roman?

Roman: Yes Patton it's me..don't worry am here...A-Am so sorry

Patton look up at Roman and gave a weak smile and uesd all his strength to lift his hand up to Roman's cheek

Patton(whispers): please...please don't cry....

Roman(sobbing): Am s-so sorry! Patton!

Patton(whispers): it's ok kiddo...

Roman(whispers/Cry's): Why....why do you still smile...after all of this your still smiling at me! Your still carrying for ME!!....Patton why?

Patton paused still looking up at Roman with his kind eyes that held tears, tears that were treating to fall at any moment

But once again he just smiled at him...he always smiled

And only had this to say...

Patton(whispers): Go...Virgil needs your help be the prince charming that he needs right now...I'll be fine just...please help him!

Roman: B-but Patton!

Patton: Go!

Roman: ....I will...but I'll be back  for you! I won't leave you!

Patton(whispers): I know...

And with that Roman ran over to Virgil and Logan and gave the first blow to Logan's face like in a battle when the first shot is fired the war begins.. 

And with that a big fight broke out with fighting and fighting with no end in sight


Logan at that moment grabbed Virgil and locked him in with no sign of letting him go..

Roman: LET HIM GO!!


Virgil(whispers): P-Please Roman h-help me!

As Patton was on the floor he was just watching all this happened helpless and wasn't able to help any of them.

All this happening because of him it was his fault he couldn't do anything...Nothing to help...unless..

Roman: Virgil I-I-

And with that Patton got up and ran over to Virgil and Roman his body in pain but didn't care...he wasn't going to sit there and let them get hurt because of him



And with that Patton successfully pushed Virgil into Roman's arm's
And pushed them both out the door when he said one last thing before the door shut

Virgil: Don't leave me PLEASE don't leave me and Roman alone!!!

Patton: Go be free am sorry this flower already dead...

And as the door was shutting Patton gave one last smile too the both of them a smile that seems to never hold sadness but this time...this time

               It was the smile
           The Smile of Sadness
As tears poured from he's eyes...

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